Spinoff series
I loved the first half (I stayed up until 3am reading it) but it dragged in the second half. Though book one in the Mercury Pack series, it becomes clear it's a spinoff as (too many) characters with history are introduced and one of the main baddies was involved in something from the past. Also, the motivations for horrid crimes were weak and fairly anti-women. Turns out I have read and DNFed this author before so she's just not for me.
I don't regret this one-click splurge. I'm up WAY past my bedtime for it! Must go to sleep. Don't want to stop reading.
I need to stop reading the Goodreads deal of the day emails. I've got a thing for werewolves but it's been awhile since I've found a good one. For .99 I'll try this! Also, I feel like I've read Suzanne Wright before but I don't remember what title...
First morning of summer vacation. Love being able to wake up and stay in bed reading. Still binging on KU shifter books.