I was not expecting the book to end the way it did but it address a rational problem in the world.
I was not expecting the book to end the way it did but it address a rational problem in the world.
Where Once There Was a Wood by Denise Fleming was written in 1996. This book was very good and the illustrations were amazing. The book describes a beautiful forest that was torn down to build houses. I like how this book addresses issues like cutting down a beautiful place of nature for more unnecessary houses
where once there was a wood, a meadow, and a creek sit houses side by side twenty houses deep
A great book, very simply showing a major issue in the world ! Showing the importance of forests and the impact of deforestation
Where Once There Was a Wood by Denise Fleming (picture book publish 1997), was a cute book. I enjoyed reading it because her illustrations are so interesting & you can see the paper they‘re made of really help to add to the natural sense of the book. It also delivered a great message that mattered then and now!
This would be a simple read, except I would never read it out loud in a classroom. Possibly used for ages 3-6.
This book was a fast paced easy read. Though I didn't feel like this picture had much meaning behind it. The illustrations where hard to look at and difficult to tell what they were in some instances.
I would use this while talking to the kids about the environment and how it changes negatively overtime
This is a picture book. I liked the words in this book, it especially liked the illustrations, they were very unique.