A fun, informative breakdown of the Solar System, with plenty of scientific knowledge to digest. Whether you‘re just getting into astronomy or a professional in the field, this book should prove fun.
A fun, informative breakdown of the Solar System, with plenty of scientific knowledge to digest. Whether you‘re just getting into astronomy or a professional in the field, this book should prove fun.
Good introduction to what we know about the planets (including their satellites and dwarf planets) and what we would like to know, but don't yet. The author does get a bit bogged down with the vital statistics in places but it's worth persevering.
Fascinating! Topnotch! I have never considered myself a "natural science" person. My axis almost always tilted to the social sciences. But lately, the idea of extra-terrestrial life and any discoveries beyond our world magnetized me. When Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover took off this year, it enthralled me so much I want to go to Mars lol. To satisfy my curiosity and probably to review my forgotten science lessons, I bumped into this book: The ?
This is a great introduction into astronomy and an awesome look into our own solar system. 🌎 It made me feel small in the best kind of way! I was surprised at how much I knew and how much I *didn‘t* know. The universe is crazy! ☄️💫 I love that it‘s written simply but still includes science. Definitely not a fan of all the Pluto bashing though, and I‘m not sure I can get over the author voting to take away its planetary status! 😡