Thanks for the #ispy tag @MeganAnn ! Here‘s some cobalt blue covers from my kindle!
Let‘s see some pink covers @Graciouswarriorprincess @HoneyBeeLee and anyone else who wants to play!
Thanks for the #ispy tag @MeganAnn ! Here‘s some cobalt blue covers from my kindle!
Let‘s see some pink covers @Graciouswarriorprincess @HoneyBeeLee and anyone else who wants to play!
Currently reading this by Carissa Ann Lynch. #carissaannlynch #likefollowkill
After the accident that killed her husband, Camilla Brown locked herself away from the world. Her only friends were the friends she had online. Camilla can follow anyone she likes in private. And Camilla likes a lot…
Being off for 4 days and not being able to drink (antibiotics 😤) means that I read even more than usual. 🤓 Finished this #netgalley read already!
Catching up on my #NetGalley stack while I‘m on stay-cay! 😎 I hope this one makes up for the terrible one I just finished. Ugh.
Cannot wait for this to come out next year, will definitely be requesting it at my local library.