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The New Olympians
The New Olympians | Kate O'Hearn
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Emily and her companions, including the winged horse, Pegasus, must confront a legion of Olympic enemies in this third book of an action-packed series. When Emilys father and the goddess Diana return from a visit to Earth, they bring with them disturbing news. Theres a horse called Tornado Warning thats winning all the races, with times faster than anyones ever seen. What could this mean? Emily, Joel, Paelen, Pegasus, and the sphinx Alexis return to Earth to investigateand discover a CRU plot to clone Olympians and Nirads using DNA retrieved from their previous time in the human realm. The CRU has already created dozens of Nirad warriors, Dianas, Paelens, Cupids, and Pegasuses. Now they want to create their own Emily cloneeven if the original is killed in the process. Can Emily and her friends put a stop to the CRUs plans before Jupiter finds out and carries through on his own threat to destroy the Earth?
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The New Olympians | Kate O'Hearn
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So... more news on my personal goal of walking 100,000 steps in one day.

I did a little more research, and I‘m honestly not sure how I can get this done in one day. With my height, it‘s estimated that I would have to walk between 63-65kms. Pictured is a map of a good chunk of our city. This is something close to the root I would want to take, and it‘s still just over half the Kms I‘d need.

Back to more planning 👏🏻😅💪🏻

CoverToCoverGirl I‘m interested in attempting this if that‘s okay and if we can do it on a nice weather day that we both have off. I suspect you‘d need to just keep moving non stop the entire day... (edited) 5y
baes I‘ve hit 20,000 several times and my legs and feet felt it. Lol 😂 I cant imagine. 20,000 is a couple hours on the treadmill (give or take) for me. 5y
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wanderinglynn I‘ve done 30,000 steps in a day and that took a good chunk of time and involved a half marathon. I can‘t imagine doing 100,000! 😮 What a goal! 🙌🏻 5y
Simona Admirable goal! Good luck 👍 🤞 5y
JamieArc I walked the Camino de Santiago which meant I was walking from 6am until 4pm with a lunch stop and maybe some other short stops. I‘m pretty sure we never hit that many steps in a day. It‘s quite a lofty goal - I hope you have a great reward for yourself if you hit it 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 5y
Caterina The most I've ever hit was a little over 40,000 in one day, and that was when I was traveling. But I've also never tried to hit a huge step goal. Good luck!!! Can't wait to see your route and if you do it!! 💪 5y
Headinherbooks_27 You can do it! 5y
Clwojick @CoverToCoverGirl I managed to coerce one of my girlfriends into doing it with me. We‘re hoping to do it on one of the mondays coming up in the next 2-3 weeks, but we haven‘t set an exact date yet. I‘ll let you know when we do! 5y
CoverToCoverGirl That‘s excellent I‘m off on Monday‘s! 5y
Clwojick @CoverToCoverGirl 😂😂 you might want to take the Tuesday off too, in case you‘re super sore. 5y
baes So I was curious about this, and looked into it. One person who did it said they reached it over a course of 16.5 hours and 41 miles. Good-luck!! 5y
BookwormAHN Good luck 🍀 5y
Clwojick @baes 😅 yeah, I‘m pretty sure it‘s not going to be possible for me, but I‘m definitely going to give it my all. 5y
britt_brooke What an amazing and ambitious goal!! 🙌🏻 The most I‘ve ever gotten in a day is 30k and my legs were toast. (edited) 5y
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New Olympians | Kate O'Hearn
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HOLY MOLY! I just seen that this is a possible badge to get on fitbit😅

Have any of my fellow #BookFitnessChallenge buddies earned this badge?! If so, how did you manage it!?

Maybe this is something I can challenge myself to do. Take a whole day, and a backpack of snacks + water, and just walk all around my city. Stop for meals + to charge phone.

Maybe this will be something I‘ll challenge myself to do closer to the end of the 6 weeks 🤔😅

RadicalReader What a wonderful accomplishment keep up the wonderful work 5y
CoverToCoverGirl You might need to pack a second set of sneakers too! 😳😂 5y
Cinfhen Great!!!! 5y
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CoverToCoverGirl The most steps I‘ve ever gotten is around 30, 000 and that was a day spent hiking for several hours in our national park... I think we did something in the vicinity of 25 kilometres. It certainly would be an impressive badge to earn though. 5y
julesG I suppose it's doable. About 60 kilometres, probably. 5y
marleed I can‘t imagine. For me I can go about 7 miles in one shot. After that I need specialized clothing from head to toe. Like that little knot on a T-shirt where the side seam and armhole all come together- yea that little thing becomes a weapon against my body! 5y
BookwormAHN Good luck 🍀 5y
TheEllieMo The most I‘ve got was 81,000, on a sponsored walk along the Thames path. Started at 8am, rest breaks every 8 miles, got to 81k by midnight, did a further 22k in the small hours of the next day. About 75km in total. Could have got the 100k step badge if the event had started at 5am😂 It was a lot of strain on the body, that sort of distance needs training for to build up endurance. This was an organised event with medical teams on standby. (edited) 5y
alisiakae That's a distance that you would definitely have to train for! Even when I go on full-day hikes, I don't come near that kind of steps. 5y
OrangeMooseReads That would be a challenge. It would be interesting to see how well you could do. Would definitely need rest periods and possibly a partner in the adventure. 5y
Clwojick @TheEllieMo I‘ve surpassed 45,000 a few times.... back when my job consisted of me walking a lot, then I would walk the hour and a half home. I would definitely need to do some training, stretching and planning! 5y
Clwojick @OrangeMooseReads I‘ve always done all my crazy walks with my best friend who‘s moved out of town. We used to track out our plan to walk to NYC. 😂 I told her I would have to plan it on a day when we could talk on the phone for hours while I walked all around town 5y
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New Olympians | Kate O'Hearn
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Not really book related, but I have to share that one of my work friends surprised me with this Adam Rippon "motivational poster" today. It was on my door when I arrived. I love him so. He has been the best part of the Olympics. If he's anything, it's classic.

AmyG I have thoroughly enjoyed watching him skate. 7y
MallenNC @AmyG Me too! I wish skating put more emphasis on artistry than jumps. It's much more entertaining for me. 7y
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