This is the first page of Mythic Vol.3. I know I just posted, but this picture was nessesary.
This is the first page of Mythic Vol.3. I know I just posted, but this picture was nessesary.
Mythic Vol.3 feat. Lunch.
I'm eating my way through this little comic series while I eat lunch. And hang out with @kgriffith .
So it says volume one, but this is volume two.
But the point of this is that I love onomonopia. Fwaaaaaash!
I always enjoy cohabitating with other queer friends just doing what we need to do. Just starting Mythic after finding them all in the dollar bin at the Monster Emporium.
Phil Hester is a double threat in the comic world. his art is fantastic and his writing surpasses that. Mythic is a creator owned story where he can dictate all the rules and tell the story he wants to tell. I cannot recommend it enough and I hope there are more coming.
A really fun take on the mythology vs technology divide, similar to what Neil Gaiman did with Ameican Gods but only more cracked out. If that makes sense.
It took a bit to get going, maybe bc it went too big right away so I sort of had to go with it for a few chapters. Once I had the "villain" figured out and how all the characters were related it was really fun. I'd missed this when out in issues, glad I picked it up as a trade
LOL. I'm having fun with this crazy, remixed-mythic-creatures-versus-technology comic written and drawn by Phil Hester and John McCrea. (Phil is visiting our Graphic Novel Book Group tonight!)
Not really digging it. It was hard to get into and the artwork is on the retro side. Not that it's a bad thing. It's just a bit hard to get into.