Ignoring the idea that Kitty can travel at super speeds because of her phasing power. It is laughable that Cannonball calls Kitty a kid. She is at least as old as he is, if not older.
Ignoring the idea that Kitty can travel at super speeds because of her phasing power. It is laughable that Cannonball calls Kitty a kid. She is at least as old as he is, if not older.
I guess this is a pick if church related books are your thing. I thought it was written a little simplistically for my tastes. Could have gotten the important points in half the pages.
Sure am glad I'm not in his family. O the horror of talking about Dr. Who or being on someone's mind enough they'd male you a Christmas gift. Or maybe I am that "challenging person" o well.
"If you are a guy, there is nothing worse ... guy skin against guy skin. So wrong."
I have so many thoughts about someone that feels so strongly about his elbows touching another man's elbows.
I don't have a business degree, but I think it might be a poor business to own EVERY newspaper a
In town.
"Kooky romanticism" Batman, ever the Nicholas Sparks protagonist .
This was a really good book. After watching the tv show the Vikings. This is like an alternative history told from the English side from that time. The ending got a little fuzzy for me. I felt like one if the main characters motivations and how far they were willing to go was a little more than I thought it would or should be. But all in all a very good self contained story.
Continuing my read through if Terry Brooks' series. My favorites are the Shannara series so these two prequel series are a little under what I'd love the most. This is the first book in the timeline and it's good to see where it all started. I did like this more than the bridge series between the word/void and Shannara series.
Hard to believe the dark and gritty Batman that most of us know would ever allow himself to be wrapped in "gaudy" paper as a surprise
When 1960's Batman takes a shot at spider-man
Finally finished the first volume of my favorite comic from my teenage years. The same stories that I loved come off a little dated, but still had me flashing back to the feelings I had as a kid reading it.
Love at first sight. This relationship was the first thing that made me love X-Men comics as a kid. Colossus is my favorite hero. The big strong guy that's really a softey and an artist. Him truly being heroic for his sister later on. But here in this panel is where it began. I hope my wife said I was "kinda neat looking too" when she saw me.
Finished this one on my march to compete the Shannara series this year. Sadly the next series is not in unabridged audio form.
This book got back to the kind of story telling I like as it ties up all the plot threads. Every couple of chapters bouncing between the main threads. Unlike the previous books which were 90% one story and a peek in on the others.
Man someone 20 years ago was upset on the representation of Canadians.
Got to visit the hotel the shining is based on. Didn't get to take the whole tour. But looking forward to going back and staying.
As I continue my quest to be caught up with all the Shannara books this year Brooks does not disappoint. My only complaint is when he writes his long form story each plot thread gets a book to be the focus with only peek ins on the other threads. So I found myself really hungry for the other b plots in this book. Nice reveals in this on what the elves have been up to.
This was a good, fun read if you are into the walking dead. A nice extended universe book that adds some untold tales from either the comic or the tv show. This did take me back to the place in both the comic and show where the governor came on the scene and you thought "what a horrible villain." Now that Negan is here, we had no idea how much worse it cold get. The governor is a cuddly teddy bear compared to Negan.
As with all of these books there is part of it I am interested in and part I could care less about. This book suffers from story inception, a story about the gunslinger who tells part of his back story (Which I like) which then includes another story. I would have preferred it just as a short story.
I really enjoyed the first quarter of the book with some history of pre 80's wrestling. The more recent stuff didn't really hold my interest. Although the bright spot was the quotes that reguarly bagged on Hogan for not being a good worker in the ring. This book is worth a pick I'd you were/are into wrestling.
O Scott, if only you knew what secrets were coming your way.
The Internet didn't invent trolls, they've been around since at least 1975. It just gave a place to collect them all.
Feminism, or as they call it: the women's movement' circa 1975
What a description of Thunderbird, " a insolent, younger, not as interesting copy of Hawkeye"
In response to a Native American glad to see himself represented, but sad to see him killed off.
My reaponse: but you're the writer, you could have made him, something other than that.
Excited to delve into my birthday present from my cousin. Regardless of your thoughts on "rasslin" it was a thing that made my cousin and I close as brothers growing up. So it will be fun going down memory lane even though we were more fans of the boys down south than in Titan towers. Which is why he had it signed by the greatest of all time, his favorite wrestler and mine: the Nature Boy WOOOOOO! Ric Flair
As someone that is more a sci-fi, fantasy guy. This book was really not in my wheelhouse. However, if you are into slice of life stories about every day people, and relationships, this is for you. It is a good book, really picked up at the end, but for it to get a "pick" rating from me it has to be a book, I'd reread or would want a sequel to, and this just isn't that for me...but might be for you. As always it feels good expanding comfort zone.
Not sure why I loved Sunfire as a kid, I guess because he never appeared a lot, but what a dick.
A feeling many mother's have, I'm sure. While they may not have done "great things," looking back at all their motherly accomplishments... "there is all this." in place of it.
This starts off with a very old man Logan vibe. So I was enjoying it from the start, being a sucker for those kinds of stories. You add Lemire and it being Valiant. It is a triple play in my wheel house..O, and as far as being derivative of Old Man Logan, there's a nice twist at the end.
Saw the movie, definitely want to read the book. Although could also be called. Horrible marriages or Don't get into your spouses email, nothing good comes of it.
How many stories can we have incepted in this book. King tells the story of Roland who tells the story of young Roland who has a story told to him by someone else.
This book, like Ms. Marvel gets a lot of praise for doing a lot of positive social things (this one for promoting positive body issues) but something else both books have in common even if you strip away those elements they are good super hero comic books. Faith in other books gets reduced to being kind of one note with her nerd erythropoietin, but here gets to expand her character.
The previous run of Batman will be a hard act to follow, but I thought I'd give it a chance. It was standard Batman fare. It was almost a Pan for me because of Batman's no one can die ever motivation. But if you take out those few panels repeating that mantra, it's still a decent book.
Followed my own advice with this. Which is: don't be afraid to pick up any new comic and start reading. This was quite good. I am not at all caught up on the Lantern mythos and who these 2 are, but this did the thing perfectly that all comics should. Make you look forward to the next issue and want to go back and learn more about the characters you were just exposed to.
A nice start to a new series. Worth a pick up to see what DC's big three are up to. I haven't been reading monthly comics for a long while so there are some plot points that I'll need to see how the status quo has changed recently. If someone was new to comics they wouldn't know anything was amiss and be able to enjoy the series just fine.
Sorry batman I can't do *** anymore?
Batman: IDGAF, this is why I let you hang out with us so you'll be able to. lol
I picked this up because I loved the original series. But this book was a mash of up that and shoe horning old man Logan into the primary universe. So I really only enjoyed the old man Logan parts.
The first book of this series was good and I lost interest with each successive book. This book had my enjoyment enough to trudge through and finish it, but after getting to the ending I wish I had bailed. This is one instance I wish someone had spoiled the ending for me and I would have stopped.
My biggest problem is that King writes himself in as the literal Deus Ex Machina and is way too meta for me.
Phil Hester is a double threat in the comic world. his art is fantastic and his writing surpasses that. Mythic is a creator owned story where he can dictate all the rules and tell the story he wants to tell. I cannot recommend it enough and I hope there are more coming.
"Kiki, she said suddenly. And how awful the corruption when you hear the name of your heart in the mouth of the person you are about to betray her with."
He did not consider if or how or why he loved them. they were just love: they were the first evidence he had of love, and they were the last confirmation of love when everything else fell away. Zadie Smith On Beauty