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Lethal Pursuit
Lethal Pursuit: A Barker & Llewelyn Novel | Will Thomas
2 posts | 6 read | 5 to read
London, 1892—Cyrus Barker is brought into a game of international espionage by the Prime Minister himself. Private enquiry agents Cyrus Barker and Thomas Llewelyn receive in the mail an unexplained key stamped with the letter Q. Barker, recognizing it for what it is, uses the key to unlock an anonymous door in the alleyway, which opens to an underground tunnel leading to Downing Street. The Prime Minister has a small task for Cyrus Barker. A Foreign Office agent stole a satchel in Eastern Europe, but was then himself murdered at Charing Cross. The satchel contains a document desperately wanted by the German government, but while the agent was killed, the satchel remains in English hands. With a cold war brewing between England and Germany, it's in England's interest to return the document contained in the satchel to its original owners and keep it out of German hands. The document is an unnamed first century gospel; the original owner is the Vatican. And the German government isn't the only group trying to get possession of it. With secret societies, government assassins, political groups, and shadowy figures of all sorts doing everything they can—attacks, murders, counter-attacks, and even massive street battles—to acquire the satchel and its contents, this small task might be beyond even the prodigious talents of Cyrus Barker.
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This book is #11 in the series, set in 1892 London.The private inquiry agents,Barker & Llewelyn,are tasked by the Prime Minister with the delivery of a satchel that includes a 1st century gospel,to the Vatican for safekeeping.What seems a simple task turns into a melee of governments,assassins,& political groups,chasing the agents,resulting in murders, attacks,& street fights Loved the agents‘ contrasting personalities,humorous scenes.#libraryfind

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Long walk with my neighbor today. Now I am enjoying a craft beer & cheez its while our dinner of cuban black beans & rice simmer on the stove.
Tagged book is a #libraryfind. It‘s # 11 in the series but I decided to plunge in mid series anyway.

Bookwormjillk Mmm I love Cuban black beans 3w
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