Jane Yolen‘s Thunder Underground is a P book all about things that....are underground! These poems range from Subways to magma and tree roots! This author would be a great author to do an AS since her publishing‘s are all over the place. This activity allows teachers to customize questions based on their levels. I also think it would be great to have students pick a topic listed in the book and write their own poem. UDL strategy 6.1 (guide app..
Bshelton27 ropriate goal setting) and EL 11( place language in a meaningful content) would be used. https://www.teachingbooks.net/clp.cgi?master_id=55281&lf_id=1 #ucflae3414su19 6y
Estradan I like how this author has a variety of books that can be used for different subjects and topics. Plus, it‘s a poetry book so it‘ll be a fun way for ELL to practice their fluency. 6y
DrSpalding Lovely image and excellent post! You are correct Yolen has written for many audiences and an author study would work well. 6y
Apeacock12 This is so cute! I love dinosaurs and I love how your link has lesson plans for different levels of learners! 6y
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