Another solid Davenport thriller! This one has rather unlikely villains and also introduces Virgil Flowers, who goes on to spawn his own series of adventures. If you like crime novels and you‘re not reading these books, you‘re missing out, big time!
Another solid Davenport thriller! This one has rather unlikely villains and also introduces Virgil Flowers, who goes on to spawn his own series of adventures. If you like crime novels and you‘re not reading these books, you‘re missing out, big time!
Ah Lucas, I‘m so sorry I‘ve neglected you these last couple of months. I won‘t make that mistake again. And when I‘m done, I‘ll be checking out your pal Virgil. Book boyfriends aside, this was a solid puzzler that even when I knew who the killers were, still kept me trying to figure out The Who, what‘s, where‘s and whys.
Braved the snow to come to work today even though I should probably have stayed home (because of illness, not the snow), but I‘m going to leave early. Anyway—taking a quick reading break.
Round 2 of antibiotics, more Motrin, more rest. Hopefully this will send the bronchitis packing. Sitting in car at Arby‘s whole thing 1 chauffeurs me around and gets our lunch. At least I have a great book to read.
I‘ve been neglecting Lucas these last couple of months but I‘m picking back up! #rereads #bookboyfriends also some warm fuzzy socks for #socksunday it‘s a balmy 22 degrees right now
4/5 🌟 Such a fun, fast crime novel. After attending university in St. Paul, I loved that this was set in the Twin Cities because so much of the setting was familiar to me.