This book makes you feel good for sure and helps you to understand more about life in a critical way#selfimprovement #healingwords #lifesaving
This book makes you feel good for sure and helps you to understand more about life in a critical way#selfimprovement #healingwords #lifesaving
I had my annual cookie exchange tonight and a friend brought me this hostess gift. A book and homemade literary quote note cards! I'm so excited to use these for future Litsy swaps!
This book is amazing!
Kute comes upon this realization as he hikes the 400-mile spiritual pilgrimage Camino de Santiago through the Pyrenees in France and Spain. During the Middle Ages, Dante, Chaucer and others would walk the route which ends at the resting place of St. James.
It's super easy to read.... He wanted to be the British version of Oprah.
So far, his casual voice makes it easy to read and relate to his stories. He runs these trips to India to help people find themselves and reset their gratitude. I think buildon.org makes more sense because then you are really giving back vs. just taking (watch others suffer in poverty).
"No one else can ever tell you what you truly want. You are the only one who knows. Stop following what's expected. And dare go after the life you want." Page 13