This was so good I didn‘t want to quit listening! It is a bit creepy, though, as it involves stalking. If you were a victim of stalking, as I was, be warned. #SeriesLove2023 @Andrew65 @TheSpineView
This was so good I didn‘t want to quit listening! It is a bit creepy, though, as it involves stalking. If you were a victim of stalking, as I was, be warned. #SeriesLove2023 @Andrew65 @TheSpineView
Marnie Logan feels like she's being watched: a warm breath on the back of her neck, or a shadow in the corner of her eye that vanishes when she turns her head. She has reason to be frightened. Her husband has inexplicably vanished, and the police have no leads. Without proof of death or evidence of foul play, she can't access his bank accounts or life insurance. Depressed and desperate, she seeks the help of clinical psychologist Joe O'Loughlin.
Creepy and well written. Marnie‘s husband is missing and those who do her wrong end up dead or in prison. Is she a serial killer with a split personality or does she have a stalker.
Also got my #bookoutlet Boxing Day sale haul!
When things happen to Marnia, death is shortly behind. But the question is, has she done it or has a stalker done it, maybe even someone from her family?
First time reader of this author and I loved every page. I highly recommend you try this book, very Good!!!
Haha! I swear I cleaned up my beside table!
N e x t r e a d • Wenn ich dann mal meine CR beende • Aber keinen Stress, denn lesen soll ja Spaß machen 😊👍
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