Engaging writing with the right balance of humor, this is an informative and cohesive book that calls out harmful pseudo-science and addresses a lot of social conditioning and myths. Excellent reference to return to as needed.
Engaging writing with the right balance of humor, this is an informative and cohesive book that calls out harmful pseudo-science and addresses a lot of social conditioning and myths. Excellent reference to return to as needed.
#firstlinefridays @ShyBookOwl
"I HAVE A VAGENDA: for every woman to be empowered with accurate information about the vagina and the vulva".
finally! Women are learning about their bodies from women and without the masculine lens of patriarchy. We cannot go back.
This is a must-read for anyone with a vagina. The education to be found in this book is empowering (and enraging at times). Knowing that there are doctors like her out there gives me hope that one day women will be listened to when we speak about our bodies.
I am listening to this author right now on NPR and as a woman I think this is gonna be a must read for me!