Currently Reading. Bye for now. I needed a break from my real life. 😋
Currently Reading. Bye for now. I needed a break from my real life. 😋
Cute little YA novel set in samurai-era Japan. It does a good job of evoking time and place, but I can't fully endorse books that too obviously leave the main mystery to be resolved in a subsequent book.
Good story of young girl in medieval Japan. Looking for something for middle grade, but this was more young YA.
Thought this one was a good YA read. Well-written. Good action and tension.
Got this as an ARC from NetGallery for an honest review. I enjoyed this a lot; more than I expected to. Risuko and other children are bought and trained to be kunouchi - assassins and spies and bodyguards. Only downside was "smirked" was used on almost every page ??
Getting started on my ARC of Risuko - love it so far. Risuko ('Squirrel') has been bought from her family by a cantankerous Lady and is being trained for... something. Lots of samurai, fighting and intrigue. YA.