His style of writing is impressive. Slow and creeping, but still captivating. Definitely gave me a reason to keep the lights on.
Creepy old house with a creepy ghost kid. Author keeps things moving. Lots of great references to ‘80s goth bands!! Nick Cave& Bad Seeds! Joy Division! The Cure!
I'm so excited to read this book, I read Kill Creek last year around this time and absolutely loved it and I am hoping to get lost in this as much as I did his other book.
“This is a waiting room, she thought. This is purgatory.“
Talk about a slow burn! Man oh man did this one just drag on. This novel landed in it's own kind of purgatory, in my “currently reading“ shelf for nearly a year. Yep, that's right, that's how long it finally took me to complete it. #NetGalley #slowburn
For full review... https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2892587214
This is a good story. Could‘ve been a great story, but it‘s filled with too many dull details. I skimmed through parts. And can we institute a rule that says authors can‘t use more than one simile per page? Way too many similes! I liked the creepy plot and the characters. 3.5/5
If anyone is interested, there's a giveaway on Goodreads for this book. But I want to win the giveaway, so you don't have to enter if you don't want to. Forget I said anything!