So stoked to have completed one of the oldest books in my TBR list....has to be 20 years old atleast!
So stoked to have completed one of the oldest books in my TBR list....has to be 20 years old atleast!
Just down the road the from Camp Sass is a beautiful waterfall that is a beautiful hike to get to. We pretend we are exploring just like we are in Verne‘s classic “Journey to the Center of the Earth”
We also participate in local book walks at our local park!
It‘s terrible weather today at #Litsysummercamp so no hikes today.
I thought the novel was fun and compelling but too long in places. I used an audiobook together with the paperback and that made the comic part of the story pop. The contrast of the brave and adventurous uncle and the whining pusillanimous nephew who tells us the story is great fun. Of couse, knowing Jules verne was French, you understand why the uncle is German and the nephew English