I own 3 actions figures... Bo Peep, Legolas and Gimli 😂 I like to think they have adventures while I‘m not looking
I own 3 actions figures... Bo Peep, Legolas and Gimli 😂 I like to think they have adventures while I‘m not looking
I‘m with the oldest for a sensory-friendly showing of Tot Story 4. He‘s playing video games and I‘m reading my kindle while we wait for the movie to start. Of course. #readeverywhere #actuallyautistic
Little bit obsessed with Bo Peep... and Koala Godzilla (aka the only version of Godzilla I could see myself watching)
I saw it! And friends, there are end credit scenes - stay to the very end, if your bladder allows!!!
Not enough Rex and Hamm for me - but otherwise quite good!
And the show begins.
I‘m so excited for Toy Story 4...
I‘m a long time fan of Rex (and Hamm and Slinky Dog and Mr & Mrs Potato Head et al.) and I‘m both exited and slightly apprehensive that a fourth movie will be out soon!