This one caught my eye yesterday. It was in a display titled “We mustache you to read these books” 🤓 #midpointepubliclibrary #library #ReadDiverseBooks #POCauthors
This one caught my eye yesterday. It was in a display titled “We mustache you to read these books” 🤓 #midpointepubliclibrary #library #ReadDiverseBooks #POCauthors
An excellent depiction of the transition from selfishness to empathy that can happen as one grows up a little. Plus, I couldn't get enough of all the lovely absurd British-isms and onomatopoeia. And it was about adoption, which is a topic near and dear to my heart. Will very likely be booktalking this one at schools in the spring.
This book is very funny. I very much hope this main character realizes what a self-centered jerk she is.