“No new horror can be more terrible than the daily torture of the commonplace.“
Remembering H.P. Lovecraft on his birthday. Cthulhu fhtagn!
“No new horror can be more terrible than the daily torture of the commonplace.“
Remembering H.P. Lovecraft on his birthday. Cthulhu fhtagn!
Alright, I‘m gonna be honest...Poe was better in regards to short stories. I appreciated Lovecraft for the worlds he created, but how he drags on right before describing something horrid started to get on my nerves. Really enjoyed The Shadow Over Innsmouth and a few others in here.
This isn't exactly Cthulhu, but I sure love the design of change purse.
Stories are every where. Even in places we can not sew and hear.
Loving my new bookmark 😁🦑
"I felt the strangling tendrils of a cancerous horror whose roots reached into illimitable pasts and fathomless abysms of the night that broods beyond time."
The perfect book to get into the Spooktober mood. Every story is chilling, filled to the brim with a beautifully sinister atmosphere and a curious horror.
(Sighisoara, Romania)
Now that I have successfully read stories by Lovecraft from throughout his career, I can see how much of an influence he has on Stephen King. I just wish he wasn't so terrified of architecture. (Pairs well with dark beers.)