A quiet love story - the one that approaches quietly. The short novella was a good read and my heart was twisted by the emotional way the central Asia landscape was described.
Read for #readingasia2021 for #Kyrgyzstan
A quiet love story - the one that approaches quietly. The short novella was a good read and my heart was twisted by the emotional way the central Asia landscape was described.
Read for #readingasia2021 for #Kyrgyzstan
#BookReport 01/21
Look at this nice color scheme 💕. I had a great reading week and was happy to make a start with the new reading challenges. Three out of four books were set in Japan (incidentally) and the tagged one in Kyrgyzstan. I am so looking forward to #ReadingAsia2021! Also I‘ve found #TheStorygraph this week, which is a cool site and app by itself, but also a great place to keep track of reading challenges (thanks to @Hestapleton 🤍).
When the wounded soldier Daniyar arrives in the #Kyrgyzstan village, everything changes. His songs of love, the earth and the steppe are in sharp contrast with the circumstances under which the people in the village live and work. His songs are mesmerizing to those who listen. The narrator does and so does Jamilia. A beautiful love story.
#ReadingAsia2021 🇰🇬
A short novella from an author from Kyrgyzstan regarding the unpredictable nature of love. Without being sentimental, this sweet romance sang a song of the heart, which we could all use a little of right now.