I would use this book in my classroom if we were talking about the stars or anything astronomy based
I would use this book in my classroom if we were talking about the stars or anything astronomy based
Such a cute story! I loved the character Mole because he was so tiny and cute and had all these big questions
“Long ago, First Father Bear, First Mother Bear and First Baby Bear, lived here“
This story could be introduced to the classroom for multiple purposes. One may be the general idea and introduction to folktales about common life experiences. Bear tells mole the story of the first star which is a folktale so it could be a deeper pondered idea. This story could also instead be taken to learn deeper about stars and the science behind them.
Picture Book- First Star: A Bear and Mole Story, was written in 2018 by Will Hillenbrand. The author used expressions throughout his writing with capitalization. The story also introduced new vocabulary such as clambered, and whimpered to describe the characters actions and words. The author also used a dark outline of the pages to signify a story being told and the blue colors to show night falling over the sky.
This story could be introduced to the classroom for multiple purposes. One may be the general idea and introduction to folktales about common life experiences. Bear tells mole the story of the first star which is a folktale so it could be a deeper pondered idea. This story could also instead be taken to learn deeper about stars and the science behind them.
First Star A bear and mole story, is written by Will Hillenbrand, 2018. The author used expressions throughout his writing with capitalization. The story also introduced new vocabulary such as clambered, and whimpered to describe the characters actions and words. The author also used a dark outline of the pages to signify a story being told and the blue colors to show night falling over the sky.
This story could be introduced to the classroom for multiple purposes. One may be the general idea and introduction to folktales about common life experiences. Bear tells mole the story of the first star which is a folktale so it could be a deeper pondered idea. This story could also instead be taken to learn deeper about stars and the science behind them.
First Star A bear and mole story, is written by Will Hillenbrand, 2018. The author used expressions throughout his writing with capitalization. The story also introduced new vocabulary such as clambered, and whimpered to describe the characters actions and words. The author also used a dark outline of the pages to signify a story being told and the blue colors to show night falling over the sky.
“it will always point north. we will never be lost in the dark” He named it first star”
I love this book. It shows that a bear named a start and kids can look into all the starts in the sky and see the ones that form things.
4 ⭐ Bear is best friends with Mole. Mole wants to see the stars at night, but is afraid they will get lost in the dark. Bear tells him that the starts will help guild them. He also tells him the story of the great bear and the little bear who placed the stars and the moon in the sky to light the way. This was a nice story, and the illustrations are a perfect match. It has heart, and it has care of others radiating from the pages.
It‘s Midnight in New England & I‘m just repeatedly refreshing the hashtag to see if anyone‘s opened their #basicwitchswap box yet. (I decided to wait until morning for mine; I‘m not a morning person so I‘m counting on it (& coffee) to help perk me up). I should probably go to bed, now, though, huh? 😅
Happy Halloween, Blessed Samhain, & Happy Opening Day, all! 🎃🌚