A schoolyard joke which made me chuckle 😀🚪👭👬🦁
A schoolyard joke which made me chuckle 😀🚪👭👬🦁
This fantasy book by C.S Lewis would have the literature circles as the best teaching strategy because this novel contains high reading levels and the language will expand the children's vocab so it would be helpful if the children could read together to help one another. https://www.teachervision.com/lion-witch-wardrobe (this website will provide lesson plans for the novel) #ucflae3414f17
A wee haul from the thrift store. I've been looking for the full-colour Narnia editions for ages and was mighty pleased to find three of them. I also got THE CUCKOO'S CALLING for my dad which meant I could pick another book for free, so I went with MY YEAR OF MEATS. And Squirrel Girl's headed into my collection of comics I wanna frame at some point.
Though fantasy and not sci-fi, I credit the Narnia chronicles for opening my mind to a lifelong love of sci-fi and fantasy in print and on screen.🔮⚔️🐉💫🚀#payitforward
The very first books i ever fell in love with - The Chronicles of Narnia - I had old battered... erm "well-loved" editions passed down through family and eventually ended up with me. It started my obsession with CS Lewis, and I read everything he ever wrote. Who else loves this series? #chroniclesofnarnia
A little chuckle for my fellow CS Lewis fans out there. A friend of mine showed me these Valentines yesterday and they amused me tremendously.
I think the last time I read this, I was 9... 20 years ago. So while I remember it as a favourite, this was almost like a first-time read for me. It was magical, tragic and touching. It is still a favourite, and it will always remain so. C.S. Lewis is a master and sets the standard for writing a fairytale.
On to the second, and my all-time favourite, of the Narnia series. Thought I'd use my illustrated, full-colour edition, instead of lugging around the big anthology.
Finishing up Thanksgiving by sharing this wonderful book with my four little loves. I love listening to them speculate about what will happen and whether the professor has been to Narnia before.
It doesn't matter how many years go by, the Narnia books will always be my favorite #fullofadventure stories! (I still look for doors to Narnia wherever I go. 🚪🏞🏰) #booktober @RealLifeReading
This was one of the books that solidified my love of reading. It is definitely an all-time favourite of mine. I'm absolutely pumped that I found 5$ copy of the full-colour collector's edition!!
I read this like 17 years ago and enjoyed it...re read it yesterday and fell in love! #teamlucy #lucydoesntlie