I have a great excuse for not reading much yesterday.
We drove to the Redwoods and hiked the Boy Scout Tree Trail.
You guys - look at that tree! It was amazing 🌲
I have a great excuse for not reading much yesterday.
We drove to the Redwoods and hiked the Boy Scout Tree Trail.
You guys - look at that tree! It was amazing 🌲
Latest edition to my son's TBR. Today was my son's last day of school, and the twins have been wild, so I have not been able to concentrate on my own reading the last couple of days. The closest I came was thumbing through the handbook the boy brought home after joining Scouts Wednesday night. I wasn't even ever a girl scout, so this is unchartered territory for me, though my husband was a Scout. Not sure I'm ready for my oldest to be this old.
This 1935 Handbook for Patrol Leaders by the Boy Scouts of America is just about the only one of my #OldCoolBooks that is a #paperback. It actually belongs to my husband, who collects Boy Scout gear from pre-WWII.
#OldCoolBooks #paperbacks
Still a great resource. Had to get my own copy for Summer Camp next week. The Fieldbook is still the resource for outdoors info, but if you need a handy primer on First Aid and Campcraft, this is a solid starter book.