A political pivot from a well-known sci-fi series. For the full review, please visit http://benjamin-m-weilert.com/index.php/2020/01/23/book-shadow-of-the-hegemon-20...
A political pivot from a well-known sci-fi series. For the full review, please visit http://benjamin-m-weilert.com/index.php/2020/01/23/book-shadow-of-the-hegemon-20...
I didn‘t have time to post cuz I was too busy reading! It felt that if I stopped something bad would happen...or worse than what actually happened after the formics were defeated & all the children in battle school returned to Earth, especially when Achilles is set loose on the world. In book 1 you see Bean‘s intelligence. In this book you see his heart & love for others, even if he doesn‘t realize that‘s what‘s happening.
Naturally since I devoured the last half of the first book I had to start on the second!
I love this world so much. I love seeing things from multiple characters and the consequences of the Ender family.
I️ love this book but it kills me that the narrator mispronounced ‘hegemon‘ so they had someone else say it and just cut it in where needed... 😂
This quote stood out to me: ‘Most victories came from instantly exploiting your enemy's stupid mistakes, and not from any particular brilliance in your own plan.‘ Confirmed, I must be a Slytherin...
Excited to hear more from our puppy's namesake character, Petra!
Continuing my Ender's Shadow series reread with book 2. This book focuses on what happens in the aftermath of Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow on earth. What should be done with the military genius kids that are no longer needed to save the planet? What happens when earth no longer has a reason to remain unified against alien invasion?
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