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Doctor Who: Winner Takes All
Doctor Who: Winner Takes All | Jacqueline Rayner
7 posts | 10 read | 4 to read
Rose and the Doctor return to present-day Earth, and become intrigued by the latest craze the video game, Death to Mantodeans. Is it as harmless as it seems? And why are so many local people going on holiday and never returning? Meanwhile, on another world, an alien war is raging. The Quevvils need to find a new means of attacking the ruthless Mantodeans. Searching the galaxy for cunning, warlike but gullible allies, they find the ideal soldiers on Earth. Will Rose be able to save her family and friends from the alien threat? And can the Doctor play the game to the end and win? Featuring the Ninth Doctor and Rose as played by Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper in the hit science fiction series from BBC Television
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Doctor Who: Winner Takes All | Jacqueline Rayner
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DNF this book. I started it a few months ago as this was the #doublespin of August and I really like Doctor Who, but it just didn't make me feel the same way as watching Doctor Who. I've taken a few months to think about it and pick up the book again, but it didn't happen and I've made the decision to DNF this one. It does in no way mean that it isn't a good book; it's just not for me.
TBR since February 10th, 2015; 245 pages.

TheAromaofBooks At least it's off the list!! 4y
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Doctor Who: Winner Takes All | Jacqueline Rayner

Loved this! It was a great story and in my view anyway it seemed to be a good representation of Nine's tenure.

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Doctor Who: Winner Takes All | Jacqueline Rayner
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Bananas are good!

Doctor Who: Winner Takes All | Jacqueline Rayner
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Nine has excellent taste in socks.

Laura317 Yes, he does! 7y
rabbitprincess @Laura317 Making a note of it in case I ever decide to cosplay as him 😉 7y
Laura317 Just be sure you always have a banana handy. 😉 7y
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Doctor Who: Winner Takes All | Jacqueline Rayner
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DuckOfDoom Yes. Imagine how those talking ducklings would sound 😍 7y
rabbitprincess @DuckOfDoom It would be so cute! 7y
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Doctor Who: Winner Takes All | Jacqueline Rayner
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#seasonsreadings2017 day 1: it's beginning...

As the Christmas holidays approach, I have to start calculating how much reading time I have available and which books to read now, strategically renew, or return and re-request.

#reindeerreads day 1: TBR (library edition)

Liz_M Good luck! 7y
rabbitprincess @Liz_M Thanks! I'll need it! 7y
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Doctor Who: Winner Takes All | Jacqueline Rayner
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Fun & entertaining book! Spend more time with Rose, Mickey, & my Doctor (9) as they save The people of Earth...again. Great if you need a light read and love Doctor Who. 💚💚

Trav I loveeeeee Doctor Who! 8y
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