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If Today Be Sweet
If Today Be Sweet | Thrity Umrigar
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The recent death of her beloved husband, Rustom, has taken its toll on Tehmina Sethna. Now, while visiting her son, Sorab, in his suburban Ohio home, she is being asked to choose between continuing her old life in India and starting a new one in this unfamiliar country with her son, his American wife, and their child. Her destiny is uncertain, and soon the plight of two troubled young children next door will force the most difficult decision she has ever faced. Ultimately the journey is one that Tehmina must travel alone.
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If Today Be Sweet | Thrity Umrigar
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Well I wasn't intending to read something for the 'features a holiday' prompt for #booked2018 until later in the year, but turns out I read a Christmas-set book in the middle of a heatwave. Does this cover scream "set in Ohio from December-New Year's" to you? Sure didn't to me. Questionable cover aside, I'm glad I read this now. It is very sweet and heartwarming, and I have a great fondness for awesome older women MCs.

llwheeler Book 2 down for #13books13weeks! 6y
Cinfhen Oooh, good to know for future reference ! And I love this author #stacked 😊 6y
llwheeler @Cinfhen 😊 it was my first by her, but won't be the last! 6y
Cinfhen I highly recommend 6y
llwheeler @Cinfhen Thanks! Stacked ☺ 6y
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If Today Be Sweet | Thrity Umrigar
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"Never begrudge another man his success, sonny. Remember, all of us live out our own destinies. All our lives run on a parallel path--someone else's sucess neither pulls us down, nor does his failure boost us up."

Andrea4 I rarely see your nails so long! Love the colour! 6y
llwheeler @Andrea4 Thanks ☺ it makes me happy i can grow them out without them breaking now 6y
Andrea4 @llwheeler eating anything different? I started taking my biotin again and have already noticed my nails gettig stronger again. 6y
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llwheeler @Andrea4 No not really, that's the odd thing. There must be something but not sure what. 6y
llwheeler @Andrea4 Hm that could be it.. I usually break or lower dosage during the summer but I decided not to this year, still taking what i normally take in the winter 6y
Andrea4 Maybe the excess is helping. 6y
readordierachel Love that polish! 6y
llwheeler @ReadOrDieRachel 😊 thanks! 6y
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If Today Be Sweet | Thrity Umrigar
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Now hear this: I have completed the #LitsyAtoZ challenge! This was my first Umrigar but not my last. It‘s a heart warming story about the complexities of families that just happens to take place over the holidays.

BarbaraTheBibliophage Great job! 👏🏻👏🏻📚📚🎉🎉 7y
Bklover Congratulations!🎉 7y
erzascarletbookgasm 👏congrats! I have one of her books on my TBR 7y
RohitSawant Congrats!! 🎉🎉 7y
Susanita @BookishMarginalia Was there supposed to be a certificate or something for completing the challenge? 6y
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If Today Be Sweet | Thrity Umrigar
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This story of loss and moving on is also a story of cultures clashing and making people change. I liked it a lot.