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The Art of Being Normal
The Art of Being Normal | Lisa Williamson
David Piper has always been an outsider. His parents think he's gay. The school bully thinks he's a freak. Only his two best friends know the real truth: David wants to be a girl.On the first day at his new school Leo Denton has one goal: to be invisible. Attracting the attention of the most beautiful girl in his class is definitely not part of that plan. When Leo stands up for David in a fight, an unlikely friendship forms. But things are about to get messy. Because at Eden Park School secrets have a funny habit of not staying secret for long , and soon everyone knows that Leo used to be a girl.As David prepares to come out to his family and transition into life as a girl and Leo wrestles with figuring out how to deal with people who try to define him through his history, they find in each other the friendship and support they need to navigate life as transgender teens as well as the courage to decide for themselves what normal really means.
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The Art of Being Normal | Lisa Williamson
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Great book!!! When I saw all the so-sos and bails this book has I was shocked. I really enjoyed it and was hooked from page one. 5⭐️

The Art of Being Normal | Lisa Williamson
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Mainly enjoyable contemporary YA but with, what I thought was, questionable trans representation. Even the synopsis on the back phrased it problematically, stating that what the protagonist David really wants is to be a girl, instead of the more accurate "is a girl."
Apart from that, the story portrays the harsh reality of how trans kids are harassed at school and the difficulties our protagonist faces when wanting to tell their parents the truth.

ephemeralwaltz This can be read in a few sittings and centers around overall believable human relationships that explore trust, shame, and intimacy ⭐ 4y
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The Art of Being Normal | Lisa Williamson
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This book was really good and enjoyable but it's pretty slow to start. The ending was cute as well but for some reason I was hoping for something a bit more lol.

I do recommend this book if you're looking for something LGBTQ but be patient with it 😊
#lgbtq #review

The Art of Being Normal | Lisa Williamson
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I tried. I wanted to like this. I really really did. But it wasn‘t moving fast enough for me, and I just couldn‘t find anything to pull me towards the characters.

The Art of Being Normal | Lisa Williamson
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Saturday night reading, after lunch at a Cajun restaurant (really good chicken and sausage jambalaya) and a trip tp the grocery store (during which I was a horrible shopping companion because my evil StrokeBrain decided to visit and I lost all my words).

Suet624 Oh no! 5y
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The Art of Being Normal | Lisa Williamson
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One of my library teens recommended this book to me. I didn‘t get a chance to read it and had to return it to the library. So I‘m posting it here to remember to come back to it!

The Art of Being Normal | Lisa Williamson

I thoroughly enjoyed this book.
It deals with struggles with gender identity, friendship and relationships.

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The Art of Being Normal | Lisa Williamson

I thoroughly enjoyed this book.
It deals with struggles with gender identity, friendship and relationships.

The Art of Being Normal | Lisa Williamson
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Got in one last book for the month around uni. I really loved this one, and the fact that Leo's 'twist' wasn't a convoluted mess like I'm so used to seeing was a relief. Feel good ending with some very real (and sad and good) stops along the way.

KateFulfordAuthor If you need another recommendation, may I point you to my People‘s Book Prize nominated debut? Sassy female narrative, laugh out dialogue and a pacy plot. Check the link in the bio for 2 free chapters, reviews and more. 6y
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The Art of Being Normal | Lisa Williamson
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Dit boek is zo goed! Ik had wel iets van goede verwachtingen van dit boek, maar zo goed? Dit boek liet de wereld om me heen verdwijnen en dat is lang geleden maar zo fijn! Een heel ontroerend en realistisch verhaal over anders zijn, transgenders en vriendschap. Ik ken een iemand die transgender is, en ik kan nu alleen maar meer respect hebben na het lezen van dit boek. Aanrader! Ik gaf dit boek: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The Art of Being Normal | Lisa Williamson

Op een avond meer dan 200 pagina's gelezen... gestoord veel, zelfs voor een boekenwurm als ik! Het is nu 1:00 's nachts en ik heb helemaal geen zin om te slapen en dat is dit boek zijn schuld. Lang geleden ook dat ik zo in een boek gezogen zat trouwens. Ben benieuwd wat er nog komt!

The Art of Being Normal | Lisa Williamson
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Day 9 of #RiotGrams LGBTQ pride! 🌈
One: this cover. Two this is supposed to be about two guys becoming friends, it just so happens that one of them wants to be a girl. Hoping for fabulousness!

The Art of Being Normal | Lisa Williamson
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I thought this was a very sweet read, about two teens supporting each other through unexpected trials. The writing style was very natural so I managed to zip through this in just a few hours. I wish Leo's twin sister had been in more as she seemed pretty interesting but only had a few scenes.

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The Art of Being Normal | Lisa Williamson
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This has got to be one of my absolute favourite YA books! Full of fantastic characters whose every emotion, whether good or bad, you really feel and empathise with. You feel their struggle, but ultimately this book is full of compassion and hope and I feel it really is a very important book. #UKYANov #LGBT

yayeahyeah Love this one!! Thank you again for taking part in #UKYANov :) 8y
overflowingklc It is wonderful. I adored this book. 8y
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The Art of Being Normal | Lisa Williamson

At first it was hard to get into, because I wasn't expecting it to be duel POV. But it ended up being a sweet book that I mostly read with a smile on my face.

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The Art of Being Normal | Lisa Williamson
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Currently Reading my signed copy of The Art of Being Normal by Lisa Williamson.

The Art of Being Normal | Lisa Williamson
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My queer tutu arrived today, so I caged it and made a rainbow stack. Cause why not 🤓 #booklr #bookstagram #books #bookstack #rainbowbooks #rainbow #queer #reading #youngadult #yalit

Bookish.Heart Love it! 👍🏻 8y
Bibliogeekery Excited to read this! #transbooks #queerbooks 8y
CherylRainfield Beautiful! 8y
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The Art of Being Normal | Lisa Williamson

OH MY GOODNESS! I read this book so fast I didn't even have a chance to put it on Litsy! (That's a first). There were so many surprises and I didn't see any of them coming! It was an inspiring story and I honestly believe that it may change lives! I will definitely be reading it over and over again.

The Art of Being Normal | Lisa Williamson
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This book about a trans kid coming out was too YA for me. Too on the surface with too tidy an ending. There is an audience for this, though, and it's a book that can build empathy and awareness without getting overly sexual or uncomfortable. (Floyd says normal is over rated. I agree.)

The Art of Being Normal | Lisa Williamson
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Floyd and I are starting this today. #tbrtuesday #catsoflitsy

Tanzy13 🐱 8y
BookishMarginalia ❤️❤️❤️ 8y
Alisnazzy #kittenlitten 😻😻😻😻 8y
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The Art of Being Normal | Lisa Williamson
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when it came to the discussion of gender identity and the variety of mental health issues that (unfortunately) are often are associated with being trans, The Art of Being Normal really does stand out as a gem of YA.

read the rest of my review at www.whatthelog.wordpress.com.

#weneeddiversebooks #DiverseBookBloggers #DiverseBooks

Bibliogeekery Another great #transbooks suggestion! 8y
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The Art of Being Normal | Lisa Williamson
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#lilbookishaugust Day 29 of 31: Meet the Bookstagrammer. 1. I'm a librarian. 2. I majored in history and I have a MLS. 3. I'm an introvert. I don't need plans to be happy. 4. I'm still addicted to Pokémon Go. 5. I'm Germitalican.
#BUChallenge Day 15: Book Stack. It's the last day for this challenge. I made it!
#meetthebookstagrammer #bookstack #bookstagramersunite #peasandcarrots #sticksandstones #lilyanddunkin #theartofbeingnormal

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The Art of Being Normal | Lisa Williamson
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The Art of Being Normal | Lisa Williamson
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"Because everything is canceled out by my heart going wild in my chest, like it's going to burst out of me and dance right across the street."

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The Art of Being Normal | Lisa Williamson
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A well-written YA read dealing with transgender issues. Read this in a handful of sittings as I couldn't put it down! Really worthwhile insight into an issue that is only just being talked about in the open. Definitely worth reading whether you are a young adult or, like me, a fully grown adult!

The Art of Being Normal | Lisa Williamson
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In honor of @Liberty 's Fun Friday (Feline Friday?), I call this composition "50 Shades of Grey"-my cat Shadow used to be standoffish, but he's become a more cuddly reading buddy in his old age. We're both enjoying TAOBN-depictions of HS loneliness ring so true

Liberty ❤️❤️❤️ 8y
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The Art of Being Normal | Lisa Williamson
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Excited to start the next book in my haul from Waterstone's on a recent London trip (yes, I really did pack 9 paperbacks in my luggage!) Told the clerk I wanted British fiction that was less well-known in US & she chose some. This one describes HS experience of David, who secretly wants to be a girl

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The Art of Being Normal | Lisa Williamson
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Here we go! 📚😊

Riveted_Reader_Melissa That's a great beginning! 8y
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The Art of Being Normal | Lisa Williamson
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abhisynthe Nice graphic. Let me know if the book does make you wonder about the rarity or non existence of normality after all! 8y
MollyLooby @abhisynthe It was incredible! 😍 8y
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The Art of Being Normal | Lisa Williamson
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Already excited to read this and I haven't even put my bookmark in yet!

Potterhead That bookmark is so cute!! 8y
MollyLooby @Potterhead Thanks 😊 it was one of my NaNoWriMo goodies. 8y
stephhammer Hello, fellow NaNo! I have the same bookmark in the book I'm currently reading. :) 8y
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The Art of Being Normal | Lisa Williamson
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I have two copies of this as it is one of my very favourites and there are few people I trust enough to lend my signed hardback to - but I want to be able to share it with EVERYONE. A gorgeously uplifting read.

daydreamin_star An amazing book! 8y
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The Art of Being Normal | Lisa Williamson
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Unexpectedly gentle, with only a few sharp jabs of bullies and pathetic parents (Leo's, not David's). A lovely ending, which I can only hope is possible for all trans kids.

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The Art of Being Normal | Lisa Williamson

"Eventually I discovered there were lots of nice people, I just had to put myself out there in order to find them." (Alicia, p. 117)

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