Dieses Buch ist ein Spektakel voller Fantasie. Und trotz aller Skurilitäten hat es mich in seiner Melancholie und Schönheit berührt. Vielleicht aber auch gerade weil es so faszinierend anders ist. Wie ein schöner seltsamer Traum
Dieses Buch ist ein Spektakel voller Fantasie. Und trotz aller Skurilitäten hat es mich in seiner Melancholie und Schönheit berührt. Vielleicht aber auch gerade weil es so faszinierend anders ist. Wie ein schöner seltsamer Traum
Surrealistic, poetic, magical, heart wrenching love story. Made me eager to also see how it was adapted into the 2013 "Mood Indigo" film
🌟tagged book (the movie ended up being titled Mood Indigo) - and I actually had to request my library purchase it because they didn‘t have a copy.
🌟Wuvable Oaf - It caught my eye on the new release shelf at my library (ended up liking it enough to get my own copy a year later)
🌟none 😥- (edited - see comment below)
🌟johnny cakes (yum) and maple candy (yuck) were my first literary food ventures (obsessed with Laura Ingalls)
Some #romantsy #inthemoodforlove books I really enjoyed (the center is basically a stand in for any Jane Austen novel - though Persuasion is my fave) 😍 #seasonreadings2016
Breakfast with a friend, yoga class and a new book. I had a great Sunday morning.
Il libro ti risucchia nel mondo deliziosamente surreale di Vian. La storia di un amore surreale, la prima parte dove tutto può succedere. La seconda invece cambia drasticamente, i toni si fanno più cupi. Ogni personaggio ha le sue ossessioni che portano a morire lentamente che crescono come malattie. Tragicamente romantico.
I was quite young when I red this (13yo) and I hated the books that were given to read during French classes. but this one was my favourite, very poetic, with beautiful, funny and wit descriptions, but quite a sad story. it's one of my favourite books ever