This is really for the whole series, which is amazing and a must read for any fan of manga
This is really for the whole series, which is amazing and a must read for any fan of manga
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐5 ⭐
This is a story of robots being killed and leaving no trace of the killer. Robots that look like robots and robots that look like humans. All are fair game. This book is part I Robot, Bladerunner, and Westworld, and I love everything about it. It falls between a cyberpunk and Techno Thriller, and it is thrilling. It‘s a dark mystery with no answer in book 1, so I need to hurry up and get book 2.
#riotgrams #day17 - stack of comics
Finally finished this series over the weekend. A compelling mystery series that's also profoundly sad. While the jumps back & forth through time can be a bit disconcerting at times, and the dialogue can be pretty stilted when rationalizing the various technicalities of the central conceit (think Interstellar's take on "love"), the series on the whole is very heartfelt and well worth checking out.
#augustisatrip #day9 - #garden
Picked up the rest of Pluto during the last Viz #manga sale, so I figured I'd reread the first volume before going ahead. The "North no. 2" arc is a bit slow, but it gives Urasawa an opportunity to get lush with the scenery.
Loving this adaptation of Astro-Boy, a series I've never actually read. This Urasawa version has some fantastic noir elements, along with the author's trademark versatility in tone and genre.
Rightstuf has a Viz sale going on right now, so it's a perfect time to get into this and all of Urasawa's other classic series.