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Ice Station
Ice Station | Matthew Reilly
The discovery of a metallic object buried in a 100-million-year-old layer of ice brings Lieutenant Shane Schofield and a team of Marines to Antarctica, where they must risk their lives to secure this discovery for the United States.
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Ice Station | Matthew Reilly
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You can‘t get much more #Freezing than Antarctica. Ice Station is the first book in the brilliant Scarecrow Series, and introduces a brilliant character in Shane Schofield. If you like high octane and fast action books I definitely recommend this series.

#JanuaryJazz @Eggs @AlwaysBeenALoverofBooks

Eggs Perfect 🤩 2y
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Ice Station | Matthew Reilly
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These books are my guilty pleasure - get swept up in the frenetic action and thrills and don‘t worry about the impossibility of it all! Also, Scarecrow is that rarest of things - an all-action hero that I actually like!
#20series20days @Andrew65

Andrew65 Love Matthew Reilly, so fast paced. Love the Scarecrow and the Jack West Junior Series. 4y
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Ice Station | Matthew Reilly
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#BabyItsColdOutside #WinterWonderland
Brrrrrrrrrr.... 😨😰😱

Cinfhen 🥶🥶🥶 6y
TrishB It definitely is 🥶 6y
Ruthiella Brrrrr! Who knew so many books about Ice Stations! (edited) 6y
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Andrew65 @Ruthiella Sounds like my version of hell. 6y
rabbitprincess Ice Station Zebra was so good! And I like that picture of the Canadian Coast Guard vessel 😊🇨🇦 6y
Herschelian Ice Station Zebra was great! Back in the day (teenager) I read all Alistair Maclean‘s books - terrific stories. 6y
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Ice Station | Matthew Reilly
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If you enjoy an action packed thriller, with plenty of action, intrigue, espionage, double crossing, good plotting, characterisation and dialogue this is the book for you. It moves along at a mile a minute and there were quite a few surprises in here. I really do like Matthew Reilly's style and would thoroughly recommend this book, where most of the action takes place in Antarctica - which is good for Around the World Challenges.

Ms_T Welcome back 😃 7y
Andrew65 Thanks @Ms_T away on Holiday in Scottish Highlands at the moment so contributions over next few weeks may be limited by internet signal! (edited) 7y
Bklover I love thrillers that take place in cold places! (edited) 7y
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Andrew65 @Bklover You always know with books set in Antarctica that some interesting will turn up, which will likely lead to deaths. A lot of good thrillers set there. 7y
Bklover Exactly! There's always something hidden in the ice. Or under it. And people dying mysteriously. I'll have to check this one out! 7y
Andrew65 @Bklover It's definitely worth it! 7y
Lmstraubie Hey!! Welcome back!!! 😁 7y
Andrew65 @Lmstraubie Thanks, end of term 😊and limited internet access has limited my involvement recently. 7y
TrishB Hi 🙋 good to see you back! 7y
Andrew65 @TrishB Thanks 😊, Good to be back but likely to be a few weeks before home and can contribute fully. 7y
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