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Silence: A Christian History | Diarmaid MacCulloch
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Diarmaid MacCulloch, acknowledged master of the big picture in Christian history, unravels a polyphony of silences from the history of Christianity and beyond. He considers the surprisingly mixed attitudes of Judaism to silence, Jewish and Christian borrowings from Greek explorations of the divine, and the silences which were a feature of Jesus's brief ministry and witness. Besides prayer and mystical contemplation, there are shame and evasion; careless and purposeful forgetting. Many deliberate silences are revealed: the forgetting of histories which were not useful to later Church authorities (such as the leadership roles of women among the first Christians), or the constant problems which Christianity has faced in dealing honestly with sexuality. Behind all this is the silence of God; and in a deeply personal final chapter, MacCulloch brings a message of optimism for those who still seek God beyond the clamorous noise of over-confident certainties.
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Silence: A Christian History | Diarmaid MacCulloch
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Incredibly well written and rigorously researched look at silence in the whole history of Christianity, from the content of scripture through to the modern day. The writing was poetic and easy to follow and the amount it packed in was astonishing. I did think the most recent section was less good than the earlier ones, and the theory of sexuality was a bit exclusionary, but overall I learned SO much and I recommend to anyone.

MayJasper Thank you for your encouraging review 📚 5y
Suet624 Sounds interesting! 5y
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Silence: A Christian History | Diarmaid MacCulloch
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Hi Litsy friends, I haven‘t been that active recently so I just wanted to check in and let you guys know I‘m still here, still lurking and doing okay! I‘m halfway through a couple of long books holed up in my parents house for the duration. I‘m lucky to still be working and to be able to work from home, my loved ones are all healthy so I have a lot to be grateful for. Having said that tho, I‘m really fucking bored and I miss having plans :/

rabbitprincess I miss having plans too! Especially going out for dinner with friends. 5y
wanderinglynn 👋🏻 Emily! 💜 I miss having plans too. Or just being able to run to the bookstore whenever I want. 5y
BarbaraBB Great post. I am happy I‘m healthy and I can even run to a bookstore but I have this Groundhog Day feeling more each day and it‘s not something I like... 😬 5y
Megabooks 💕💕💕💕💕 5y
Kalalalatja I feel you. Hang in there 💕 5y
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