We're on a short break in Shropshire: I don't think we'll be bothering that rather damp fire pit while we're here, but will probably take a dip in the hot tub ?
I found a lovely little record/book shop in Shrewsbury, Left For Dead, with a small but well chosen selection of titles, from which I came away with these.
"The Shutter of Snow" because I've enjoyed the other Faber Editions I've tried and am trusting in their editorship that ⬇️
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"In the End, It Was All About Love", a semi-biographical story of a Black British man's life as an emigre in Berlin because it's blurbed by Kae Tempest (I've created an auto-fiction tab in LT, and am framing my acceptance of genre-transgressive literature as personal growth!)
⬇️ 2y