A dark little Cinderella retelling. I enjoyed it!
This has the outlines of everything it needs to be an amazing retelling of Cinderella, but it doesn‘t get all the way there. It‘s dark enough to be true to spirit of the original tales, has a contemporary feeling without actually being set in the modern world, and has only redeemable characters- all aspects which I like- it just doesn‘t manage to bespell you the way great fairy tales should. #booked2019 #fairytaleretelling
#SeptemBowie #AshesToAshes
A dark retelling of Cinderella that only Rosamund Hodge can pull off. Loved her Cruel Beauty Universe!
Finished one more before the end of the month! I love these dark fairytale retellings.
A great novella that made me hungry to reread Cruel Beauty.
This was a mix of Cinderella and the "Bad Boys" episode of Supernatural; an interesting combination that made for a good little read. I really felt Maia and her struggle was a unique one. I also enjoyed Lord Anax's character.