#adventrecommends Day 9. An adult fantasy I don‘t see people reading too often. I think this offers a little bit of dark magic.
#adventrecommends Day 9. An adult fantasy I don‘t see people reading too often. I think this offers a little bit of dark magic.
This was a really good book. After watching the tv show the Vikings. This is like an alternative history told from the English side from that time. The ending got a little fuzzy for me. I felt like one if the main characters motivations and how far they were willing to go was a little more than I thought it would or should be. But all in all a very good self contained story.
"Porque a guerra é uma amante ciumenta. Tem um jeito de nos chamar de volta para ela, muito depois de pensarmos que nos despedimos para sempre."
A book with a bug on the cover. Also one of my favorites. I like the dark magic and fantasy elements of the story. #insects #junebookbugs
An interesting combo of history and witchcraft, along with a brand knight protagonist who you will feel for makes this an interesting read.