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Puck of Pook's Hill
Puck of Pook's Hill | Rudyard Kipling
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Puck of Pook's Hill | Rudyard Kipling
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Thinking of all the #randomclassics readers while in Savannah this week. Can you imagine paying $225 for Puck? 🤣 @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Noooooo!!! Run away!! 😂 2mo
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Puck of Pook's Hill | Rudyard Kipling
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Apparently this book bored me so much that I spaced on posting the final discussion post for #RandomClassics 😂This was a borderline pan for me. I did enjoy a couple of the chapters more than others, but overall this book just absolutely dragged for me. Partially, I felt like I needed more background on Britain's older history - I'm fuzzy on when the Romans showed up and what they did, so I got somewhat lost at times. I also just couldn't figure⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) out exactly what the point of Puck was?? He seemed like a wandering history teacher instead of a mischievous fae creature.

So, for me, not one of Kipling's stronger works. I think I'll give volume 2 a pass 😆 Did any of you enjoy it more than me? Thanks for reading with me!!

@BarkingMadRead @julieclair @TheBookHippie
BarkingMadRead Nope. I felt pretty much the same 🤣 2mo
julieclair Ended up bailing, despite my best intentions. “Wandering History teacher” is the perfect description! 🤓 2mo
TheBookHippie Oh my word this book 😅😝 I‘m just so perplexed. I did not like it. 😵‍💫😵‍💫 I‘m not understanding the hype about it. 2mo
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Puck of Pook's Hill | Rudyard Kipling
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I need to just go ahead and finish this book because I feel like I've been reading it forever 😂 I did find “Hal o' the Draft“ SLIGHTLY less boring than all the Roman “we're sitting about on a wall while other people fight battles other places“ bits haha But this book is nooooot for me and like @TheBookHippie I will NOT be picking up Puck #2!!!

Only two chapters left!!!!

@BarkingMadRead @julieclair @TheBookHippie

BarkingMadRead Omg there‘s a Puck 2?!? Whyyyyyyy 2mo
TheBookHippie Why do people say this is so good?! He has so much better material in other books 🤣. This is a slog, I keep waiting for the good part. 2mo
TheBookHippie @BarkingMadRead 🤣😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫🤷🏻‍♀️ 2mo
julieclair @TheBookHippie I don‘t think there is a good part. 😂 2mo
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Puck of Pook's Hill | Rudyard Kipling
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Hmmm. More history. It's not... terrible?? But it's not very exciting and it's not what I expected haha I'm pretty much dragging my way through this one. Are any of you enjoying it more than me? Any thoughts? I'm mostly being reminded of how little I know about “ancient“ British history 😂

#RandomClassics @BarkingMadRead @julieclair @TheBookHippie

BarkingMadRead Exactly!! It‘s very slow, and not at all hat I expected by the cover art 🤣 3mo
TheBookHippie It‘s so slooooooow. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 3mo
TheAromaofBooks @BarkingMadRead @TheBookHippie - I'm afraid it's become what I call a “blahblahblah“ book, because that's pretty much all I'm getting out of it 😂 It's funny because I actually usually really enjoy Kipling, but I can reassure you that I will NOT be rereading this one!! 3mo
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TheBookHippie @TheAromaofBooks we‘ve read a few with my children‘s classic reads group over the years … they were better 🤣👀🫣😝. I‘ve taken to reading it aloud to my dog 🤣 3mo
julieclair I want to like this book. I keep trying to like this book. I‘m just not connecting with it. But I‘m going to keep trying, because I think I really ought to like this book. @TheBookHippie @BarkingMadRead 3mo
TheBookHippie @julieclair This is my working theory as well 🤣🤷🏻‍♀️ 3mo
BarkingMadRead @julieclair I‘m at that point where I‘m so close to being done that I can‘t justify stopping 🤣 3mo
TheAromaofBooks @julieclair @TheBookHippie @BarkingMadRead - Same!! I'm like... I usually like Kipling (ish)... I usually like historical fiction... WHY AM I STRUGGLING!? 😂 This book isn't even that long!!! Christine, I'm picturing you reading to your dog and him wondering why you're putting him through this, too 😂 😂 😂 3mo
TheBookHippie @TheAromaofBooks 🤣🐶 also this book has a follow up and I‘m so not reading it 🤣😬 3mo
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Puck of Pook's Hill | Rudyard Kipling
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Okay, is it me or is this book BORING?? 😂 I mean, it's okay, I guess, but I have definitely been more plowing my way through than particularly looking forward to picking this book up. Would it be more interesting if I was more familiar with British history?? Let me know if any of you are enjoying this more than me haha

#RandomClassic @BarkingMadRead @CatLass007 @julieclair @TheBookHippie

BarkingMadRead It‘s….. interesting? Not at all what I was expecting when Puck first showed up 🤣 3mo
TheAromaofBooks @BarkingMadRead - I'm like, isn't Puck supposed to be mischievous?! This one just seems to be a history teacher 😂 3mo
TheBookHippie I thought Puck was supposed to be naughty 🤷🏻‍♀️ it‘s better read in the morning 👀🫣when my brain is working full capacity. 🤣 3mo
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CatLass007 It didn‘t really interest me so I‘ve decided on an early bail #hailthebail! 3mo
TheAromaofBooks @TheBookHippie - I agree! I have to concentrate way more than I should for a children's book 😂 3mo
TheAromaofBooks @CatLass007 - Makes sense to me!! Do you want me to take you off the tag list for this one, then? 3mo
CatLass007 Only if it‘s easy for you to do and easy for you to put me back on the list for next month. 3mo
TheAromaofBooks @CatLass007 - I keep a master list where I check every month and see who wants to read the next book, and then individual lists for each book. So it is no big deal to add or remove you!! 😁 3mo
CatLass007 Then please remove me from the tag list for Puck and add me back for Robinson Crusoe. 3mo
CatLass007 💗 3mo
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Puck of Pook's Hill | Rudyard Kipling
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Okay #RandomClassics friends, here is the schedule for Puck of Pook's Hill!! It seems that this is a collection of short stories and poems. So the main title for each bullet point is the story, and the parenthetical titles are the associated poems. Each story is about 25-30pgs, so 2-3 a week feels doable. We'll see how it goes!!!

@BarkingMadRead @CatLass007 @julieclair @TheBookHippie

BarkingMadRead Sounds like a plan! 3mo
julieclair This sounds interesting! 😀 3mo
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Puck of Pook's Hill | Rudyard Kipling
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June's book is Puck of Pook's Hill, which should, if nothing else, be a contrast to East of Eden 😂 I have several of Kipling's books on my list because I enjoyed the two Jungle Books and Just So stories so much, but I don't really know anything about this one. I don't have my copy yet, so I'm not sure how many chapters there are, either!! If anyone would like to read along, let me know!!


Librarybelle I‘m planning to set out June and July but will be back for Fahrenheit 451 in August! Have fun reading June and July! 4mo
BarkingMadRead I‘m ready!! 4mo
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CatLass007 It‘s currently available for free on Audible so I plan to join in. 4mo
TheBookHippie It‘s on hoopla for next month! 4mo
julieclair I‘m going to try! Thanks for the heads up about Audible, @catlass007 ! 4mo
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Puck of Pook's Hill (1906) | Rudyard Kipling
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This is my husband‘s book, a gift from me. I have not read it, but when I saw the sailing ship I was certain there must be a #swashbuckler aboard! As I perused the pages, there was mention of Kings and England and shields and swords. I believe a swashbuckler must have a sword!

Linsy What a lovely cover! 🤩 6y
DivineDiana Thank you for this challenge! I had been looking at the spine for so long that I didn‘t remember this cover! 6y
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