Starting a second “lunch book” today, since the poems for #LOTRchapteraday are so short!
Starting a second “lunch book” today, since the poems for #LOTRchapteraday are so short!
Three of my current library checkouts are #threewordtitles. I planned to take a picture of the two in the foreground; the one in the background photobombed... and did it perfectly, giving me three three word titles. 👍🏼 #riotgrams
Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering is Fujimura's response to the novel Silence by Shūsaku Endō. Fujimura offers "Silence and Endo's many books as a path toward deeper knowledge of our Savior" and this book is his narrative of walking this path himself and how the faith journey has found expression in his art. His insights on culture and cultivating it as a source of hope and support are much needed thoughts today.
Well today's #journey hashtag is proving appropriate. I've been trying to get to Nashville since yesterday. Yesterday's flight was cancelled and now my 11:59am flight is delayed. It's 2:30 and still haven't boarded. So I'm spending my birthday at the airport. Glad I have a book but here's the thing: no Cinnabon at this airport! 😋☹️😉#jubilantjuly @RealLifeReading
Started this today. Looking forward to hearing the author speak on Saturday about one of his art installations currently on display in New York City.
If you want to understand more about Shusaku Endō‘s 1966 novel Silence and the mysterious relationship between Japanese culture and Christianity in Japan, you can‘t have a better guide than Japanese-American artist Makoto Fujimura. Fujimura offers insightful commentary on the cultural and religious themes in Endō‘s novel about the persecution of 17th-century Christians in Japan. Not a light read, but highly illuminating and uplifting.
A book on art and faith sign by author/artist Makoto Fujimura. Good one, Dad.