As a mom of two boys I enjoyed it. Made me really look into things. I will admit though I was not someone who changed everything in my life based around this book. But I am more aware.
As a mom of two boys I enjoyed it. Made me really look into things. I will admit though I was not someone who changed everything in my life based around this book. But I am more aware.
Jessica Alba wrote a book, so I'm going with number four. #ThinkingWithMyPenis
This was a replacement for a book that had to be thrown away after the hurricane. #honestlife #parenting #natural #nontoxic #stupidhurricane
This is the stack that's getting returned tomorrow! Thank god my library doesn't have a limit on how many books we can take out at a time! #librarybooks
Tonight's second recommendation is the third of the only books I found useful when I was pregnant. The Honest Life by Jessica Alba isn't just about parenting or pregnancy but it does cover a lot of that. It also specifically talks about being pregnant and having kids when you yourself deal with lots of allergies. #jessicalba #thehonestlife #parenting #naturalliving #allergies