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Jeweled Fire
Jeweled Fire | Sharon Shinn
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The national bestselling author of "Troubled Waters" and "Royal Airs" returns to her Elemental Blessings series with the story of a young princess who will need more than blessings to survive in a kingdom where everyone will do whatever it takes to claim the throne As one of the four princesses of Welce, Corene always thought she might one day become queen. Only circumstances changed, leaving fiery Corene with nothing to show for a life spent playing the game of court intrigue until a chance arises to become the ruler of a nearby country. After stowing away on a ship bound for Malinqua with her loyal bodyguard, Foley, Corene must try to win the throne by making a play to marry one of the empress s three nephews. But Corene is not the only foreign princess in search of a crown. Unaccustomed to being anyone s friend, Corene is surprised to find companionship among her fellow competitors. But behind Malinqua s beautiful facade lie many secrets. The visiting princesses are more hostages than guests. And as the deadly nature of the court is revealed, Corene must rely on both her new allies and Foley s unwavering protection for the game she has entered is far more perilous than she ever imagined "
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Jeweled Fire | Sharon Shinn
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Just hit 500 in my reading log! Been keeping it since July 2007, so a little less than 10 years.

Jeweled Fire | Sharon Shinn
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tried to take a pic of my Christmas/bday book haul but Gus insists he should be the focus #catsoflitsy

Joybishoptx Beautiful kitty! 8y
Suzze As well he should be. Handsome guy. 🐱❤ 8y
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