Alright read would recommend for younger K-2
Traditional Literature. This story is about the catch and release of a magical talking goldfish. A poor fisherman chases the fish but his wish becomes greedy and demands more and more from the fish until the fish puts her in her place. Overall, a fine read and okay message.
I really liked how the book kept the illustrations inside of a circle in the middle of each page to make the pictures pop out. The book used a lot of different bright colors and it also had a really powerful meaning that I think all children should learn about
I like the stories meaning. Very similar to aseops fables.
Published in 1955 this is a Russian folktale that talks about greed. The main character is a fisherman and his wife who catches a gold fish that grants wishes. The wife asks for so many wishes that she is eventually left with nothing. A cute folktale about greed in a different culture.