After reading this book I have new respect for Thomas Jackson. This book is a must read for Civil War buffs.
After reading this book I have new respect for Thomas Jackson. This book is a must read for Civil War buffs.
A little Virginia tourism today.
Picked this one up as Stonewall Jackson came up repeatedly in my previous read, "Liar, Temptress, Soldier, Spy," plus he seemed like an interesting character.
Jackson's personal quirks around health and duty were interesting, but what struck me was his wholehearted belief in God's will. I'm not religious at all, but it was interesting to see how his faith made him nearly fearless and so sure of his personal course.
Good read, if a bit dry.
There is no way to know Jackson‘s thought process as he prepared to engage the Union army in front of him. He knew very little about it and certainly he had no idea that, at the moment he ordered his men to advance, he was actually outnumbered five to one. But it was characteristic of the man that his means of determining the enemy‘s strength was to hit the enemy in the face and then see what happened.