The illustrations are so cute!
The illustrations are so cute!
This book is great for introducing children to poetry and can be well used for younger grades as it includes fun and silly poems of all kinds.
This story in the book a pocket that has multiple items in it. This poem talks about how a pocket can be a treasure chest.
A cute book that highlights about adventures that could happen in the night
“ on wings untied
I dip I glide
I loop-de-loop all night”
I simply chose this quote because I enjoy the phrase loop de Loop and of course the poem format.
I love how this book much like a series of movies toy story brings imagination into what happens when humans are not around while also giving the format and flow of poems.
This book is full of poems about what things are doing when the humans are asleep. Food, toys, and other household objects, and what they do at night. These inanimate objects come to life within the poems.
Empty Pocket:
I thought this poem was very cute. It isn‘t very long and there isn‘t a lot going on, but young readers will love the excitement of naming things to fill the empty pocket with
Empty Pocket:
This poem tells of an empty pocket. This empty pocket is nothing without the random items that come to fill it. There is not much bulk to the poem, but it is a quick and fun read.
Poetry, published 2019. This book contains “poems from a wide-awake house”. It‘s silly and shows things in the house that come alive at night, it almost reminds me of toy story. The poems are silly and easy reads. I love this book for children of all ages.
3 ⭐
While I didn‘t love this book, it‘s full of short poems, I do think it would be great for a classroom or first lessons in poetry.