Guilty pleasure read:
Ms. Marvel, #7: Healing Factor, Part II
Guilty pleasure read:
Ms. Marvel, #7: Healing Factor, Part II
This was my first foray into comic books and I borrowed this one from Amazon prime books. The formatting worked on my phone so it was good to read this digitally in colour. I like the premis and I was getting into by the end but it didn't grab me straight away. I think I'd like to try other comics as I've only ever read a few graphic novels in the past.
This may or may not be on my list. I'm trying not to add things to my TBR but a friend told me about the Marvel subscription service AND gave me a code for a free month so I can read Squirrel Girl and Gwen Pool, and probably the series with teen Loki. FYI: this is not the same service that Amazon has teamed up with Marvel on.