This novel dealt with a tough issue in a really thought provoking way. I loved reading this and thinking what if.. my review explains my thoughts better, check it out on my blog. #jades2018reads
4 stars
This novel dealt with a tough issue in a really thought provoking way. I loved reading this and thinking what if.. my review explains my thoughts better, check it out on my blog. #jades2018reads
4 stars
A very easy summer read. Keep You Safe is a fairly standard, issue based novel, with a healthy dose of social drama and some sly romance on the side. If this is what you‘re looking for, it‘s enjoyable and easy to read. If you‘re looking for a more serious discussion of the vaccination debate look elsewhere.
Last night's Kindle read. I didn't even have to get up and turn lights off.
There is so much that could have been good about this book, but the main subject of vaccines was overshadowed by unlikeable characters, endless drama, and a romance. That‘s three hours of my life I won‘t get back. Vaccinations are a complex issue, and deserve more than a glossing over of the issues.
This book was so good! Reminded me of Jodi Picoult quite a bit. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Definitely recommending this to all my bibliophile friends. 💗
September Reading Stats ! 38 total, 25 Physical books, and 13 Audiobooks, 5 books still in progress. 😊👌 #bulletjournal #bujo
After working a 13 hour day yesterday, I'm kinda wishing I was at home right now, snuggled in bed listening to this audiobook. Oh well 🙈 Time to relax for 15 min with my coffee before another crazy day starts up. 😌
Giveaway prize that arrived today. Not read anything by this author before but it sounds interesting.
I wish legal systems could accept that sometimes bad things happen and culpability doesn't have to apply. Yet that's not how things work. Maybe we should be more accepting of the idea that bad things just happen and it's not worth blaming anyone.