This one sounds good! #consequences #amonthofsongs
A dark romance with excellent and distinct, as well as disturbing characters in an atmospheric story that envelops you and draws you in. Lots of twists in this suspense, but the ending you will not see coming and is a perfect start for the next book in the series, which i am hoping to read. Anthony was one of those guys you love to hate and i really grew fond of Claire.
Full review goodreads.com/overtheedge
So I started this book thinking it was going to be a 50 Shades read-a-like type book. Something that I wouldn‘t have to think about... I started thinking it was a little@much for this type of genre and then realized I was completely wrong about what this book was. It‘s super twisted and shocking and I actually ended up really liking in the end.
Romig's book has a blurb that reads like that of 50 Shades of Grey and which after reading Consequences will make you feel rather irked because it is so much more than that. In fact it is nothing like that, it really is not what you'd expect... Intense, thrilling and so underrated. Just read it!