In which my heart breaks for Tobias on multiple occasions (and a yeerk ship gets blown up in a spectacular fashion)
In which my heart breaks for Tobias on multiple occasions (and a yeerk ship gets blown up in a spectacular fashion)
I was getting ready to post my review for the Animorphs book I just finished but when looking back to see what format I‘d put my other posts in, I discovered I never reviewed the 3rd book after reading it last year. 🤦♀️
I loved it of course. Tobias and Ax are my two favorite characters, so I always loved the books centered around either of them. In this, Tobias is struggling with adjusting to being trapped in a body that isn‘t his own. ❤️💔
Rachel‘s talking to Tobias, a middle school boy now trapped in a hawk‘s body forever. He feels he‘s losing himself to the hawks instincts. Rachel is determined to make him see he‘s still human, no matter what body he‘s in.
Found my old Animorphs books. Never did finish the last few so I'm giving it a go for completionist and nostalgic reasons. Can't help it - I still love them! #YA #Animorphs