I was in a serious reading rut and maybe a little depressed. I‘m finally reading again. #Healthcareworker #bookaddict #bookworm #bookwm.
I was in a serious reading rut and maybe a little depressed. I‘m finally reading again. #Healthcareworker #bookaddict #bookworm #bookwm.
I really enjoyed this story. I can‘t even imagine how I would navigate grief and loss if my husband was pass away.
Charlotte has been a widow longer than she was a wife. Swapping careers she's hidden in her new life, new home, a roommate, never speaking of her husband or past until his ashes are returned to her for reburial after a fire destroyed the moslem. Faced with processing the stages of grief again amoung those who never knew of her marriage leads to two weeks of discovery and healing. This isn't so much a rom-com as it is a journey of becoming.
Review is up on my blog. Check it out! https://reecaspieces.com/2020/01/05/husband-material-by-emily-belden-harlequinbo...
Belden walks a fine line between humour and grief successfully. My only hesitation with this book is that I found Charlotte annoying at times and I felt that most of her relationships were forced. That being said, I loved the humour. It was cheeky and fun—the opening wedding scene reads like a movie. The dynamic between Charlotte and her MIL made for some of the best scenes. Husband Material is a fresh rom-com with a contemporary edge.
I got the impression this was going to be a cute rom-com story. That is the exact opposite of what this story is. The cover of this book, just does not do any justice to this beautiful story about a young widow finally coming to grips with the loss of her husband. I won‘t say there are not moments you will laugh, because you will, but there is just so much more to this story