Currently reading.
Currently reading.
Happy Mother‘s Day to all! Cat & Dog moms too! I decided to post one of my moms favorite books, she grew up on Midwest farm in that era .This book is full of life and admiration for what you can often do with less .Hardworking people that fix nearly everything and make their own fun.It doesn‘t minimize the hard times.As many older folks say, I guess most of us were poor,we just didn‘t have media and advertising reminding us of that daily.
I picked this up used, and thought I'd give it a read. I'm interested in the time, life back then, etc. I read the first few chapters over a couple of nights back in January or so, and it's been collecting dust on my bedside table ever since. I don't know why it didn't grab me. The author did a little too much "People are different now" and "back in my day" in a judgemental way for my taste, I do know that much. Finally just decided to bail.
I read this book when it first came out. I'm sitting here watching The Waltons and this book came to mind. I love stories and memoirs of simpler times and this is one of my faves so I had to share 😊