Last day of my Icelandic week - my holiday would be over by now (if I had had it). I‘m ending it how I started it - with in Search of my Beloved. #myicelandicweek #iceland #thorbergurthordarson #thordarson #icelandiclit
Last day of my Icelandic week - my holiday would be over by now (if I had had it). I‘m ending it how I started it - with in Search of my Beloved. #myicelandicweek #iceland #thorbergurthordarson #thordarson #icelandiclit
So, I‘ve been to the Thórbergur Thordarson Museum, they displayed the balcony of his home. Fans gathered in front of the balcony when Thordarson got one of the major Icelandic honours. The fangirl I am, I had to go there as well. ? (Even though it is not a beautiful building at all.) #myicelandicweek #iceland #thorbergurthordarson #thordarson #icelandiclit
Travelling in Iceland I got some translations of one of my favourite author Thórbergur Thórdarson. Unfortunately there‘s only a small amount of translations in German or English (no Italian one at all), so I boughr this booklet of translated chapters. This is a chapter pf „Letters to Lara“ with which he became famous. Thórdarson dreamt strange dreams when he was younger - like „When I was pregnant“. #icelandiclit #icelandicliterature #thordarson