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Weatherman | Lois McMaster Bujold
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Weatherman | Lois McMaster Bujold
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By January 15 we had gone 30 plus days without sunshine 😵‍💫

For the ten days preceding February 1, we saw 6 minutes …

Meaning we were are cloud-covered 99.958% of the time. Since before December 15 ..



DebinHawaii I wish I could share some with you! 4mo
TheBookHippie @DebinHawaii 💛🌝💛 4mo
Mimi28 We saw some sunshine today until about 4:15pm and the temperature had gotten to 50 degrees!! You and I both know that‘s a heatwave in these parts, lol. Then the temperature dropped 10 degrees in 20 minutes and it got extremely foggy especially near the lake where we are. Does it get foggy up there? I bought my mom a mug that reads - You are my sunshine- and I bought her a tiny music box that plays the same song. I wish I could send you a set 😎😉 4mo
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TheBookHippie @Mimi28 massive fog, very dense!!! At times I cannot see across the street!! 4mo
Mimi28 Wow!! Sorry to hear that 😔 Yikes I bet driving in that is scary. Stay safe!! I bet you wish they would can school for fog 🌫️ 4mo
Mimi28 Cancel school, lol 4mo
TheBookHippie @Mimi28 sometimes we get a 2 hour delay, but not often enough! 4mo
Mimi28 Yikes I was just joking!! They really do that?! @DebinHawaii don‘t they have something in Hawaii called vlog that is like volcano dust mixed with fog that makes you physically ill? Sorry if I explained it wrong. I may complain about Chicago and fear going outside because of crime, but I really would not to relocate because everywhere is dangerous, lol. ( although I would switch places with your cat any day, lol 😻 4mo
TheBookHippie @Mimi28 yes they delay for fog IF the buses can‘t be safe, we wait. 4mo
Mimi28 Wow I bet flying is even worse! You are in MI right? I can‘t remember sorry. My friend‘s husband is from Detroit and they go up there often. This weather talk is depressing. Let‘s pray for sunny days and much vitamin D absorption (that has become a serious problem!! ) sorry. So what book are you reading? What is your favorite subject to teach. My friend who is a teacher said she had a bad day because her students feel entitled 😲 4mo
TheBookHippie @Mimi28 I‘m just 2.5 hours north from you up the lakeshore. Detroit is other side of the state almost 4 hours. I‘m reading literacy so I read with little ones. No entitlement at my school it‘s a title one school, 22 different languages, and like a little village. They are grateful for a chance to be in school and very respectful. It‘s a joy. I‘ve been looking at cookbooks today!!! Ha. 4mo
willaful It's been very rainy here, but we had a sun break and a rainbow this afternoon, made things much easier to bear. I love rain but my mental health starts to complain after awhile. 4mo
TheBookHippie @willaful Same. It‘s a battle when it‘s grey every day for days weeks months.. 4mo
Gissy 😱Wow! It seems all of you are managing the situation pretty well by doing things to balance emotionally that weather condition like reading. 🙌 4mo
Mimi28 Sorry it took me so long to answer. I have been all night babbling on here, lol. Your school sounds awesome!! It‘s great that places like that exist 😊 4mo
Mimi28 My friend teaches middle school and also has 3 teenagers and a husband. She‘s sick now, has almost lost her voice, but she was mad 😡 yesterday!! I‘m praying for her life to calm down she‘s always so stressed and I am an empath I take in peoples emotions sometimes physically too. I haven‘t seen her since 1994 ( in person) but at least she is in my state. I have a ton of great fulfilling relationships with people who live eons away!! 😭😭oh well… 4mo
Mimi28 @Gissy we‘ll be complaining about the heat pretty soon but hopefully not too soon. Dark and gloomy keeps allergies away most of the time. It‘s not that bad. Honestly I like winter better because the air is crisp and I would rather throw on a blanket than complain that we don‘t have AC, lol. Reading and writing and artsy stuff works though- survival mode kinda 🩷🤷🏽‍♀️ 4mo
JenReadsAlot I'm starting to lose it.... lol 4mo
TheBookHippie @JenReadsAlot right?!?! Ughhhhh 4mo
TheBookHippie @Gissy it‘s a bit 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫at times. Reading is a good escape! 4mo
TheBookHippie @Mimi28 I prefer the winter too. 4mo
Gissy @TheBookHippie It seems that no matter what, sun or not sun, winter has its charm 🙌❄️ 💙 💙💙💙 4mo
dabbe I wish I could send you some of ours! 🖤🩶🖤 4mo
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Weatherman | Lois McMaster Bujold
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I wanted to thank everyone who commented on my last post but Litsy wouldn‘t let me. Our county in Northern Vermont was actually the hardest hit because of the number of rivers. Everyone is hurting. Yesterday I needed to do something to make me see a brighter side. Gracie and I went to Stowe for ice cream and this is a photo that will hold great meaning to me for years to come. Today, severe thunderstorms & a tornado warning are in place. 💔😳🙏😫

Read4life Beautiful photo. I have family in VT. I pray you all stay safe 💙 11mo
Suet624 @Read4life Thank you, Lynn. 11mo
CoffeeAndABook That‘s a precious moment 🌼 thank you for sharing. I‘m sorry to hear what‘s been happening and i hope the severe weather passes by. Keep safe 🌈 11mo
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Cuilin Thinking of you and Vermont. Beautiful picture. 11mo
squirrelbrain Gorgeous photo 💛💛 Hope you can start to heal soon. 11mo
dabbe Sending as many positive thoughts as I can. Hold steady. And what a stupendous photo. 🙏🌼🤗 11mo
Tamra Take care!! 11mo
Amiable Frame that! Gorgeous photo! 11mo
Ruthiella Beautiful photo. Glad you and yours are safe and sound. ❤️ 11mo
LeahBergen I‘ve been thinking of you! 11mo
marleed Gorgeous! 11mo
Jas16 You have been in my thoughts. That is such a gorgeous photo. 11mo
TrishB Thinking about you ❤️ 11mo
Avanders 🙏🏽 11mo
BarbaraBB I‘ve been thinking about you. This photo must be such a consolation. It is beautiful 💛 11mo
Deblovestoread Great pic! Thinking of you! 11mo
Suet624 @CoffeeAndABook Thank you! 11mo
Suet624 @Cuilin I saw your note on a previous post. Thanks for your kind words. As you can imagine, what's going on is a lot and it's hard for all of the residents, whether they are actually physically impacted or not. I hope you stay safe. 11mo
Suet624 @squirrelbrain @dabbe Thank you! Can't wait to get to where we don't have to look up at the skies and worry. 11mo
Suet624 @Amiable I hadn't thought of doing that, but you're right. I will. 11mo
Suet624 @LeahBergen Thanks, Leah. 11mo
Suet624 @Jas16 Thank you for holding us close in your thoughts. We need all good wishes our way. 11mo
Suet624 @TrishB Thank you! Today through Sunday is projected to be pretty scary. We're holding on by our fingernails. 11mo
SamAnne The photos of the devastation are heartbreaking. You are in my thought. 11mo
Christine Continuing to send good wishes your way. ❤️ 11mo
Suet624 @BarbaraBB Thanks, Barbara. I'm not sure when we're going to get our heads above water. Bad storms for the next three days. A tornado was even reported just south of me. That never happens!!! 11mo
Suet624 @SamAnne Thank you so much. 11mo
TheLudicReader I am so sorry this is happening. 11mo
fredamans 🙏 11mo
Cathythoughts Take care. ♥️ 11mo
Chelsea.Poole So sorry. What a lovely photo 💛 11mo
Centique Im so sorry this devastation happened to your community. I feel for you particularly after we had storms, floods and mudslides in our city back in January followed by a cyclone two weeks later. Although our house wasnt flooded, our community was. We‘ve all been anxious every time it rains. 😔 I just wanted to wish you strength and peace of heart with the understanding of how shocking and frightening this is 💕 10mo
Suet624 @Centique That is so nice of you to say. It sounds like you have experienced the same kind of heartache. And, like you and yours, it has continued to rain for several weeks, causing mudslides and more flooding, and everyone worries each time it rains now. You're right. It's frightening and sad and depressing. AND I just saw that I have missed almost 2 months of your posts! You'll be seeing some “likes“ coming your way. :) Again, thank you. 10mo
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Weatherman | Lois McMaster Bujold
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Yeah, never want to get this kind of alert. I‘m sitting at the top of the red zone, but I worry most for the southern regions. The last time this happened we lost beloved covered bridges and towns were stranded. Devices are blaring those obnoxious alerts which makes it that much more surreal. Apparently this alert will go through Tuesday.

CBee Stay safe, Sue 💚 I‘ll be thinking of you and hoping it isn‘t as bad as they‘re saying! 11mo
Suet624 @CBee Thank you so much. Greatly appreciated. 11mo
BarbaraBB It sounds super scary. Please take care and be safe. Hopefully it won‘t be as bad as forecasted 🤞🏽🫶🏽 11mo
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Suet624 @BarbaraBB I‘ll be super careful and just work on keeping the basement dry. 🥴 I‘m hoping for the best. 11mo
TheBookHippie Oh dear. Stay safe!!! 11mo
AmyG Oh no. I remember VT during that flooding. Roads, homes…just washed away. Stay safe Sue. 11mo
Bookwomble Get those books up as high as possible, and keep yourself safe, Sue 💖 11mo
Suet624 @Bookwomble Hahaha. At first I got a panicked feeling when I read your comment, thinking “shoot, I have to make sure my books are safe!“ Then I remembered I lived on the second floor. I think they will be fine. :)
Ruthiella Hoping for the best. ❤️ 11mo
Suet624 @AmyG We are still rebuilding those lost bridges. :( 11mo
DivineDiana We have been getting alerts here in the Philadelphia area today. Lost power for a few hours. Looks frightening. Stay safe. ❤️ 11mo
dabbe Sending positive thoughts your way. Stay safe! 💙 11mo
Jeg That's not good news. Fingers crossed it won't be as bad as they think. Thinking of you and hoping for the best. 11mo
Suet624 @dabbe Positive thoughts are so welcome. 11mo
Suet624 @Jeg Thank you, Joy. 11mo
Bookzombie Stay safe! I hope it‘s not as bad as forecasted. 💗 11mo
Reggie Stay safe, Sue! 11mo
LeahBergen Oh no! 😮 11mo
batsy Yikes! Stay safe. 11mo
peaKnit Take care. 11mo
DogMomIrene Those alerts are unnerving. Hoping they‘re more infrequent over time. Stay safe. 11mo
CBee Hey Sue, was just watching the coverage of all the flooding up there and thought I‘d check on you 💚 @Suet624 11mo
Suet624 @CBee I'm good. The south & middle parts of the state are bad, but I'm further north. The rivers around my town are expected to flood which will mean I won't be going anywhere but it should only affect my basement. I rent the place I live in because it's four houses away from my daughter/grandkids. I own a house elsewhere in the state that I rent to folks & I'm scared to even ask them how things are. It's the trees that I'm nervous about there. (edited) 11mo
Suet624 @DogMomIrene They sure are unnerving. Loud and shrieking. Scares the bejesus out of me. 11mo
Suet624 @Reggie @batsy Thank you. Doing better than other parts of the state. 11mo
Suet624 @CBee I should add it's supposed to rain until Tuesday afternoon. 😬 11mo
CBee @Suet624 I‘m glad you‘re safe but sad about the southern and middle areas 🙁 And I hope your house is okay! 11mo
Suet624 @CBee 💕💕💕 11mo
Christine Thinking of you and hoping for the best! 11mo
Amiable How are you doing up there? We got a few inches of rain where I am down here in CT but thankfully missed out on the massive deluge that you guys are getting. 😬 11mo
Suet624 @Amiable I'm heartbroken right now. So many towns just devastated. I am okay but there are two rivers close by that are raging and I keep getting texts about them. The flooding is getting closer and it's a bit eerie. Emergency alerts keep going off. It's still raining. Those rivers that haven't gone over their banks already are expected to do so by 2:00 a.m. Unprecedented flooding throughout the state and it will continue tomorrow. So sad. 11mo
Suet624 @Christine It's just an unholy mess right now. Still raining and folks can't even get to the evacuation sites. So many roads flooded or washed out. They say it'll keep raining through tomorrow. :( 11mo
Amiable Is it worse than the flooding after Hurricane Irene? Holy cow. I remember how bad it was up there then. 😳 11mo
Suet624 @Amiable It is worse. Irene was one really bad day of rain. This is now going on 3 days of rain. One town received 2 months worth of rain in 24 hours. One town received 9 inches of rain of rain. 11mo
The_Penniless_Author My friend in Middlesex said they just announced they're opening shelters in the higher elevations because the local reservoir might collapse. The dam in Waterbury is in rough shape as well. 11mo
Suet624 @The_Penniless_Author I know! And they are going to be releasing water from several other dams which will just crush the towns below. I am so distracted by the news ... did you see pictures of the interstate and the water rushing over those boulders? Closed from Exit 9 to 11. Chittenden County is in real danger if the Winooski at Essex crests. 11mo
The_Penniless_Author @Suet624 I know. I'm assuming they're going to be opening (or already have opened) the dam over by the bridge to Williston. We're going to walk over and check it out on our lunch break. Like you said, that could cause real problems further south. And yes, the interstate is a wreck. Richmond, Bolton, Jericho...all underwater. 11mo
Suet624 @The_Penniless_Author How‘s the river now? (edited) 11mo
marleed I was in my own little new grandbaby world her in Kansas City and didn‘t realize the devastation you were experiencing in Vermont until i went back and read down your thread. I am so sorry this is happening to your beautiful state and to the people who inhabit it. 11mo
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Weatherman | Lois McMaster Bujold
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When my mother calls and asks if I‘ve been out of the house today I think this will be my response.

Susanita We lost electricity about two hours ago. At least it‘s sunny outside. 1y
ShananigansReads @Susanita on no. Mine went out for about 6 minutes. I hope that will be it. 1y
TheBookHippie Word 🥶🥶🥶🥶 1y
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Weatherman | Lois McMaster Bujold
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Last minute prep for Christmas and bad weather!! I live in the South, so we are not used to these temperatures! However, I have two 5⭐️ reviews to share this evening. Will they be the last 5⭐️ books of the year for me?? Will Molly and I freeze on walks?? 🤔 Only time will tell! 🥶🥶🥶

I hope everyone‘s else‘s weather/holiday prep is going okay!

Ruthiella Stay warm! What‘s your total number of books going to be for 2022? Didn‘t you reach 500 last year (which is awesome!)? 1y
Cinfhen Stay warm!! And two more 5 stars!!! Can‘t wait to see what they are ♥️ 1y
squirrelbrain I‘ve been reading that it‘s going to be the lowest temps for 30 years. 🥶 Stay safe! 1y
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Bookwormjillk This is the weirdest weather. Seems like the sun didn‘t come up at all today. Both cats and both kids are pretty much refusing to move. I don‘t blame them! I have to go pick up our dinner tomorrow right when the temperature is predicted to crash. Good luck to you in your prep! 1y
DogMomIrene Dood! I commend you for going on walks! I‘ve been taking Bernie out to romp in the snow with a neighbor‘s dog, for maybe ten minutes. Our walks have been to the top of the hill and then out to the end of the wharf, so again a ten minute adventure tops. When this snow melts and I get these two out for a run through a field, I‘m seeing laps and laps of doggie joy! 1y
AmyG Stay safe! 1y
IamIamIam Whoo, that's cold even for us up in NY!!! Stay warm!! 1y
Megabooks @Ruthiella thanks! I read 520 books last year. This year, it‘s looking like I‘ll be somewhere in the 440s. So still quite a few, but not as many! 1y
Megabooks @Cinfhen just tagged you!! 😘😘 1y
Megabooks @squirrelbrain it is insane! There‘s snow and ice on the ground already and the temperature is still dropping. So crazy because it was 75 F on Christmas Day last year! 1y
Megabooks @Bookwormjillk good luck to you too! The cats probably have the right idea. I‘m about to grab a blanket from the couch. 🥶🥶 1y
Megabooks @DogMomIrene Molly loves being outside, even in bad weather. I wanted her to get in a nice long walk before the weather turned, so we went in the cold rain to the next neighborhood and back. It will just be front yard to the stop sign and back from tonight through the weekend. She doesn‘t mind it down into the 20s but we haven‘t had weather this bad in her lifetime, so who knows?? You stay safe and warm with Bernie! 1y
sarahbarnes Stay warm! It‘s freezing here in Denver, too! 🥶🥶 1y
TheRiehlDeal That is just way too cold for the South. Stay warm! 1y
Megabooks @TheRiehlDeal hear hear!! I agree! 1y
Megabooks @sarahbarnes you stay warm too!! 1y
Megabooks @DogMomIrene so last year, Molly was pretty indifferent to the snow. She‘d go out, but she didn‘t love it. This year…omg, we have four inches now, and she was running around like a wild dog and had a bad case of the zoomies when we came in!! She cracks me up. 1y
Reggie I love the “tune into the same bat time and same bat channel” energy of this post. Stay warm, Meg! And Molly! 1y
Megabooks @Reggie I used to say that phrase all the time when I was younger! And you‘re right, 💯 works here!! 1y
DogMomIrene @Megabooks 😂😂😂 Lizzie will zoom in lighter snow. We‘ve got about a foot right now, so she and Bernie both hop, which is pretty hilarious. The desert dogs like the fluffy white powder. 1y
BarbaraBB Those temperatures, incredible. I read your email. Will get back to you soon xxx 1y
batsy Stay safe and warm, you and Molly! ❤️ 1y
Cathythoughts I heard on the news of the Artic weather heading your way. Take care ❤️ 1y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB I look forward to hearing back from the ski cabin!! 💜💜 1y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB @batsy @Cathythoughts I just got in from shoveling the ramp and clearing off one car. I like cold weather, so it wasn‘t that big a deal, but I had to wear more layers than usual. (T-shirt, sweatshirt, ski coat on top and 2 pairs of sock, leggings and sweatpants on the bottom) I can‘t remember wearing that many layers to shovel in nearly 10 years. (2013 was pretty cold and icy.) Last Christmas was 75 F and my best friend went hiking! 1y
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