It was slow. It displayed some of the innocence of that time. I enjoyed the historical context.
It was slow. It displayed some of the innocence of that time. I enjoyed the historical context.
In honor of this 4th of July 🇺🇸Holiday week I'm highlighting the first book in the Waves of Freedom series by Sarah Sundin. This book was such a page turner!!! I love it when you can get lost in the setting of a story! This book totally did that for me! Romance, the threat of war and sabotage all mix together in this one! Check out my full review on the blog! www.bringingupbooks.wordpress.com
Mini road trip which allows for a little reading on the way!!! #roadtripreading #travelingbooks #alwayspackabook
Tonight's late night read! A new to me author and time period! I love meeting authors on Facebook and Instagram and getting new recommendations! #readysetread #sarahsundin #revell #throughwatersdeep #ww2fiction #christianfiction #librarybook #gottalovethelibrary